Good morning! I’ve been MIA on here, but I also needed a break! Sharing this post super late, but needed some time to focus on myself and really got slammed with invite orders as of recent – which is a good thing! Today, I’m sharing week seven of our “What to Do: Winter Activity Ideas”. We’ve been enjoying these activities and it is a great way to switch things up! Hope these give you some ideas and would love to hear any boredom busters you use at your house!
moreCategory: Mom Hacks
Thrifty Thursday – Spring Toddler Clothing Haul
It’s Thrifty Thursday!! It’s been awhile since I’ve done one of these, but today I’m sharing how I shop for my kids clothing. I shared a toddler clothing capsule on Black Friday because that’s when I do a MAJOR winter clothing haul at Kohl’s. I absolutely love the Jumping Beans brand – it’s affordable, very basic and has ALL the essentials!
Continue readingWhat to Do with Kids – Week Six Winter Activity Ideas
Good morning! We are having a little heat wave around here – it’s a BALMY 37 degrees, but it is making me hopeful that spring is near! We just need to stick it out another month or so and we’ll be able to start shaking that cabin fever! Today, I’m sharing week six of our “What to Do: Winter Activity Ideas”. We’ve been enjoying these activities and it is a great way to switch things up! Hope these give you some ideas and would love to hear any boredom busters you use at your house!
moreWhat to Do with Kids – Week Five Winter Activity Ideas
I’m posting a little late today as our boiler decided to bite the dust during the coldest stretch of days! So I’m FINALLY sharing week five of our “What to Do: Winter Activity Ideas”. We’ve been enjoying these activities and it is a great way to switch things up! Hope these give you some ideas and would love to hear any boredom busters you use at your house! Hopefully there will only be 7 more of these to share!
moreWhat to Do with Kids – Week Four Winter Activity Ideas
Today I’m sharing week four of our “What to Do: Winter Activity Ideas”. We’ve been enjoying these activities and it is a great way to switch things up! Hope these give you some ideas and would love to hear any boredom busters you use at your house!
moreWhat to Do with Kids – Week Three Winter Activity Ideas
Today I’m sharing week three of our “What to Do: Winter Activity Ideas”. We’ve been enjoying these activities and it is a great way to switch things up around here!
moreTip Jar: Toddler Routine for SAHM
Becoming a stay at home Mom excited me! While I was a little nervous about making the transition, I was also so ready to manage the household and grab hold to some sort of routine. I searched Pinterest all the time for sample schedules prior to leaving my marketing career and figured I would share our routine if you happen to be a working Mom making the leap to SAHM or just someone who likes to see how others do things (this is totally me, I’m so nosy!)
Today I wanted to share a sample of our routine around here – particularly for the boys – Tommy is nearly 18 months and JP is 3 years old. I followed this same exact schedule since JP was around 12 months and it still continues to work for him (with some modifications) and Tommy. I was recently chatting with a Mom and her son is almost 2. She was telling me his morning nap was rough and his naps (he was still doing two naps a day) felt really short. I suggested switching him to one nap a day as he was probably not tired at that time of the day anymore. She seemed hesitant because as a Mom, it is great to have some free time to get things done, but once I mentioned the afternoon naps were 3 hours, she couldn’t believe it!
moreWhat to Do with Kids – Week Two Winter Activity Ideas
If you missed it last week, I shared my new post series to get us through the final weeks of winter. My plan is to share 4-5 simple, inexpensive and easy activities you can do with your kids while stuck inside on a weekly basis! The nice thing about it, you can do them at your leisure or whenever you have the supplies available, but most of these activities can be done using items you have on hand at home!
moreWhat to Do with Kids – Easy, Inexpensive Activities during Winter
I am SO SO EXCITED to introduce a new post series with you! For the final weeks of winter, I plan to share 4-5 simple, inexpensive and easy activities you can do with your kids while stuck inside on a weekly basis! The nice thing about it, you can do them at your leisure or whenever you have the supplies available, but most of these activities can be done using items you have on hand at home!
My husband and I try really hard to switch things up around here and keep it fresh for the kids. Generally speaking, we go a little stir crazy in the winter when we feel we are doing the same old evening routine. We tend to feel overwhelmed on weekends at the thought of “what in the heck are we going to do with these kids” (particularly when everything is closed down).
I plan to share the graphic below every week on Instagram, so feel free to follow along and same them so you are able to look back at if you run out of things to do! So, not only are we looking forward to doing some of these activities, I hope this helps you beat the winter boredom and makes your kiddos happy!
moreMotherhood Monday: Buried Alive – Toys Edition – How to Handle All the New Gifts
Good morning! Happy Monday and Happy New Year to you! Welcome 2021, I hope you are super sweet to us all 🙂
I’m sure everyone is still recovering for the holiday season – I know we are! This weekend, my husband and I took the time to sit down and regroup taking a thorough look at our budget and things we want to tackle. The main thing we both agreed on – donating, purging and reorganizing the house.
If you remember, the kids and I actually went through our toys on Giving Tuesday and donated a lot to make “room” for Santa and also give to those who are less fortunate than us. Along came Christmas and the onslaught of toys so, we decided take another look at the toys we had, where they were being stored and whether or not things should be donated or thrown away – again. We were able to find a lot more, so you can say I was pleased to rid of the clutter! I also went through my closet and found so many things to give away!
Today, I wanted to share some of our methods to keep the clutter under wraps AS BEST WE CAN because hey, we’re dealing with a 1,3 and 5 year old!
Continue readingMotherhood Monday: Parenting Self Audits
Good morning and happy Monday! I hope you had an amazing weekend – we definitely did as our weather was an absolute dream! We still have some nice weather on tap for us this week and we are definitely making the most of it.
I’m not going to lie, the past week has been rough. I’ve found myself angry, I’ve found myself consumed by everything that is going on in our country and also slightly terrified. I stepped away from watching ALL the news/media, which is sad this is what it comes to. I’m often left feeling upset that we are being controlled little by little and we will never know the total TRUTHS in anything going on. Journalist integrity is DEAD and that alone has put me in a dark place.
Continue readingMotherhood Monday: Baby Registry Essentials – What you REALLY need
It’s Motherhood Monday! Today, I’m sharing some baby registry essentials for any Momma’s-to-be! I was pleasantly surprised that we had ALL the essentials covered from our first baby shower 5 years ago. I’ve seen so many new gizmos, gadgets and inventions come out and really did not invest in any.
Because I found myself content with what we had, I’m sharing the main things you REALLY need – no frills, just basics! These items worked for our family and sometimes I find – the less, the better!
A huge shout out to my former boss who assisted me in putting together the best list of items to include on my registry, the most patience when it came to explaining certain things and answering all my questions related to what to expect when becoming a Mom!
Continue readingMotherhood Monday: My Kiddos
First off, Happy Mother’s Day to every MOM out there! I am praying for you all today!
To my incredible Mom, thank you for showing me what selflessness is. You don’t appreciate what Mom’s do, or even see the little things until you are in it, so thank you for IT.ALL. – being my advocate, listener, example of faith, advice giver, rock, and best friend. It has been so amazing watching you become a Grandma and I am EXTREMELY blessed to have a Mom like you!
I also wish Happy Mother’s Day to my amazing Mother-in-Law for raising the most incredible man ever. I am so blessed to have you in my life as a bonus Mom! Raising 5 kids, I could not even imagine! Thank you for the person you are! The kids are so lucky to call you their Grandma!!
To my Grandma, my husband’s Grandma, our deceased Grandmothers and all other Moms I’ve been so blessed to be surrounded by in my life (Aunts, sister-in-laws, cousins and friends) wishing you all a Happy Mother’s Day as well!
I figured the day after Mother’s Day would be the perfect day to add Motherhood Monday to the mix on my blog. I thought this would be a fun way to answer questions I’ve had, share insights discovered and be a resource to others all things related to being MOM! At times it will be light and fun and at other times I envision it raw and real.
moreTip Jar Tuesday: Random Tips from Around the House
Coming at you with some groundbreaking information this Tuesday afternoon (heavy sarcasm) – but I figured maybe this random tip could help someone who is unaware (as I was) of the huge mistake they were making…
moreTip Jar Tuesday: Easter Basket Ideas
One of the things I look forward to all year is putting together my kid’s Easter baskets! Just like Christmas, it is so fun to watch pure joy and happiness happen right in front of us.
This year though, circumstances are a bit different. I was lucky enough to HAVE to run in to Target to pick up baby wipes that I could not place for order pickup and quickly went through the toy/Easter section to grab some of the staple items I am always putting in their baskets.
I figured I would share some of the items I put in my kid’s baskets this year! It is nothing earth shattering given the fact I couldn’t browse through the store for things – which is one of my favorite things to do every spring!
moreTip Jar Tuesday: For the “New” Stay at Home Parent…Activity Ideas
Welp, this quarantine has been something else! My husband and I were just chatting recently at how crazy it is that most people are now working at home and having to juggle that and their children.
Since not a whole lot has changed around here on my end (besides trying to keep the kids quiet during my husband’s conference calls upstairs) I figured I would share some activities/toys we have been playing to keep busy while we are forced in the house during this time.
moreTip Jar: Infant Sleep Schedule
First off, I am NOT a baby sleep trainer professional. This is strictly based on a whole bunch of research I personally did as I was preparing to become a stay at home mom after the birth of our son two and a half years ago.
I was so so excited, but also a little nervous about becoming a stay at home Mom. For me, it was a huge transition leaving my marketing career. I truly loved the vibe of working downtown. While I valued my career, I always knew I wanted to be a stay at home Mom. I always wanted to be around/play with our kids, manage a household and have our own set routine.
moreTip Jar: Home Cleaning Schedule
My, my, my…what a crazy end of the year it was. I am so happy to start “fresh” in this new year! Routines have been out of wack for the the last quarter of 2019 and I am ready to roll up my sleeves and get things back in order around the house!
My main goals around the house this year: maintain a clean kitchen EVERY DAY, keep up with the house in terms of de-cluttering and reorganization and stick to my cleaning checklist. At the beginning of last year – I pulled together multiple cleaning checklists and used them to put together a thorough home maintenance schedule that worked!
moreToddler Travel Activity Bin
Thanksgiving and the holidays are fast approaching and so is all the TRAVEL associated with this time of the year. We happen to be driving 5+ hours to our holiday destination and while the drive is somewhat manageable, there will be a need to keep the two bigger kiddos occupied during our trip. I’m already foreshadowing our daughter asking “are we there yet” 5 minutes into our drive for hours on end…
This year the kids are big enough where they might not be sleeping as much during the drive, so I decided to pack a “travel activities bin” for them both to look forward to! They have already been asking if they can start playing with some of the toys and I keep hyping up the trip, telling them they have to wait – which is key! These items have to be new and something they are looking forward to!
Continue readingWhat I – Do When My Kids Are Sick – Wednesday: My Essentials
Tis’ the season for sickness – it is just inevitable. After dealing with two kiddos under the weather for the past week, I thought now would be the perfect time to share some things I do when the kids are sick to make them feel better, make it easier for myself and get them back at it as soon as possible!
Emotionally, I am never prepared for this, I hate when the kids are sick! Vomiting, yea, no thank you – not good with that at all, but nevertheless as Moms we find ourselves stepping up to the plate to handle the sickies! Over the past couple years – experiencing all sorts of interesting illness – I have made it an effort to ALWAYS have these items stocked and ready to go in case the kiddos are under the weather.
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