Friday Favorites – 06.12.20

Happy Friday! The past two weeks have taken a toll on my heart but my prayer and hope is for less judgement for all people and more kindness, love and changes of the heart. Less division in our country and a stop to the bleeding wounds we have. Deep solutions to the problems and issues so many face – a push towards middle ground where we all can meet in agreement and understanding to help lift one another going forward. Putting in the work to become educated on all sides, be an independent thinker, not be naive, and find the absolute truths on all sides.

As of right now, my kiddos don’t see color, but I know I will continue to nurture love in our home, educate and provide encouragement in building authentic relationships as they grow up. After taking a little hiatus, I am excited to feel creative again! I was in such a rut about everything going on and also felt it was best to sit back, listen, read, research, talk with others and educate myself.

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