2021 Toddler Easter Basket Ideas

My goodness, what a week it has already been! We returned home from vacation this past weekend and I had every intention of getting my blog posts together for the week, but the tummy bug has been making its’ way through our house! Finally able to sit down this afternoon as Audrey was the final kiddo to be hit with the bug. The great thing is, it is very quick and both the boys were back on their feet within 12 hours. Praying it will skip over Andrew and I, but not sure that will happen – this bug is wicked contagious!

We’ve been hearing of family members, friends and coworkers who’ve been dealing with it so we know it’s making its round. The first thing we did before getting home Saturday was stock up our sick essentials – reposting that here because I think a lot of us will be needing it.

Anyway, happy to pop on here today and share some toddler basket ideas with you! Vacation last week has thrown me off, so I’m playing catch up and getting our lives back in order around here!


Friday Favorites – 03.19.21

This week flew by and I felt like I couldn’t keep up! So many things to do before vacation, but we are all ready to go! I cannot wait for the beach! I won’t be blogging next week because I’m sure we will be busy taking orders from 7 little bodies on our trip! Sharing some favorites from the week!

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What to Do with Kids – Week Nine Winter Activity Ideas

Reporting to you late this Tuesday evening! My gosh, what a weekend of getting things together before our trip and daylight savings time throwing off my internal clock, -but I told myself I was going to post so here I am! Today, I’m sharing week nine of our “What to Do: Winter Activity Ideas”. Only one more week left and I feel like it is on to brighter and warmer days ahead! We were outside yesterday from 3:00pm – 7:30pm and the kiddos were tuckered out! In the event you’re stuck with nothing to do, check out this week’s ideas!


March Coffee Stand Decor

There is something about swapping out the decorations on my coffee stand every month! It is fun to switch it up – and I find so much joy in enjoying what each month has to offer! As I’ve mentioned MANY times before, I have a bin that has accumulated all my coffee stand decor and most of the items have come from the Dollar Tree, Bullseye’s Playground or Walmart.


Friday Favorites – 03.05.21

This week had me CRAVING Spring! I’m so excited for this big change in season. Daylight Savings Time is just around the corner (gimme all the sunshine, please!), we find ourselves outside a little more, early bloomers are pushing through the soil – just so many amazing things! This week gave me a little taste of all those things!

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Look For Less – Spring Home Decor 2021

Spring is ALMOST here and I could not be more excited about it! We spent most of the day outside yesterday even though it was nearly 50 degrees, but the sun was out and we were all about it!

I love the colors of spring decor. It’s so refreshing especially after the cold and colorless months of January and February! Spring is just such an exciting time around here – more daylight, sunshine, warmer weather and

I know I’ve mentioned this in other posts, but I like to decorate around my staple decor pieces – adding seasonal touches here and there. As my decoration inventory grows year after year, I’m sure it may be a different story, but for now, this is how I decorate our house.

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What to Do with Kids – Week Seven Winter Activity Ideas

Good morning! I’ve been MIA on here, but I also needed a break! Sharing this post super late, but needed some time to focus on myself and really got slammed with invite orders as of recent – which is a good thing! Today, I’m sharing week seven of our “What to Do: Winter Activity Ideas”. We’ve been enjoying these activities and it is a great way to switch things up! Hope these give you some ideas and would love to hear any boredom busters you use at your house!
