What’s Up Wednesday [02.28.24]

It’s the last Wednesday of the month, and that means I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers Mix & Match Mama and Sheaffer Told Me To to share what has been happening around here! These are my favorite posts – I LOVE seeing what others have going on and love that I can look back at these someday!

As always here’s a recap of what’s been happening around here lately!

What We’re Eating This Week…

This week’s meal plan is simple, though I’ve been tempted to fire up the grill with all this warm weather we’ve been having! Oh wait, nevermind, it’s going to drop back into the 20’s again – that’s February weather in Cleveland for you!

  • Roasted veggies, tomato and mozzarella sausage and sticky rice
  • Taco salad
  • Crockpot chicken and dumplings
  • Pulled pork sandwiches, mac and cheese and salad
  • Fish sandwiches (pizza for the kids)

What I’m Reminiscing About

I’ve actually been reminiscing about how much I’ve changed as a homemaker! I feel like I’ve really found my groove and routine and have found myself not dropping the ball on things as much anymore!

These worksheets along with the Cozi app have been a game changer for me!

What I’m Loving…

The weather, all this sunshine and warmth we’ve had is such a tease!

I also LOVE that the sun will be setting after 7 pm soon! We’ve been enjoying family dinners while it’s light out!

Per usual. I love this stuff – it’s on my face all winter long.


We’ve been ordering new furniture to make our current family room more functional for having guests and I can’t wait to share it!

I did pick out this lamp for our living room and have been loving it!

What We’ve Been Up To…

The boys went to Monster Jam…

While the girls went skating!

We’ve been enjoying a visit to our favorite park

A cute little first birthday party!

Going on walks!

And family game nights!

We love visiting the library and checking out stacks of books!

What I’m Dreading…

The amount of Girl Scout cookies that will be in my dining room this weekend. I took on the role as Cookie Manager, wish me luck!

What I’m Working On…

Buttoning up spring subscriptions and gearing up for tulip time!

Starting seeds and planting out what I can while the weather cooperates!

I also have been tackling to-do’s I’ve been putting off – like this fridge!

It may not look like much to you, but wow, this fridge was an absolute trash pit!

What I’m Excited About…

The Chosen to come out again….

And also, the final season of Outlander…

What I’m Watching/Reading…

See above, just waiting for those shows!

I need to find a book to read – I do miss reading, I just never make the time for it!

What I’m Listening To

A thunderstorm and my Hallow app daily reflection.

Also, the sound of cartoons as one kiddo was scared of the storm!

What I’m Wearing…

Not much new recently, which is a good thing! I’ve been wanting to do a major purge of things. Less is more! I LOVE clothes, but I am getting sick of how much I have!

I may do a big donation and see if there are any new trends that stick out for spring and summer, but I honestly feel like I have all my bases covered!

I feel like I’m turning into my husband…the need to constantly buy, buy, buy is killing me!

What I’m Doing This Weekend…

This weekend is super busy but fun! We have dance, basketball and cheer, a fun indoor carnival, Girl Scout cookie pickup and a ladies night out up at the school!

What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month…

The arrival of SPRING! Tulips, flowers and warmer weather! We are also getting excited for the solar eclipse!

What Else is New??

We may be planning to visit my sister-in-law as she finishes up her schooling in Scotland! Andrew and I (and the kids!) are pretty excited about the possibility of this!

Favorite Amazon Purchase this Month….

I’m beyond excited about these! I will keep a couple in our kitchen, one upstairs, and one in the basement! I never realized fire extinguishers expire!

I’ve been wanting to buy these for a while and finally caved! If we end up never using it in 25 years then I’ll have a party, but I would rather be prepared then not!

That’s all for today! As always, thanks for reading and Happy Wednesday!

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One thought on “What’s Up Wednesday [02.28.24]

  1. Joanne says:

    Good luck with all the cookies! Those Monster Jam photos reminded me of the few times we took our boys; they had a blast.

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