Weekend Rewind: Random Weekend – Flea Market Finds – 8/19/19

Good morning everyone, I hope you had an amazing weekend! Today I am sharing our weekend rewind. We had a pretty low key weekend and stuck around the house for most of it. Saturday, we went to a flea market and garage sale, hung some things up around the house and met up with some girlfriends who came in from out of town! Sunday, we went to church and breakfast at a local diner and did some major sorting and organizing of paperwork. Again, my documenting skills are awful, but it wasn’t the coolest weekend to showcase, ha!

We wanted to take the kiddos to a little amusement park and swim, but the weather was pretty weird all weekend so any set time we planned to go swimming in the pool was ruined by random spurts of rain, annoying! But we were able to end the weekend in the pool which was nice!

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Weekend Rewind: Cleaning, Organizing and Nesting – 8/12/19

I wish I was tracking my steps this weekend because oh my gosh I am literally DEAD! Hence the reason for the late post today! Why does it seem necessary to clean and scrub the siding on the house, vacuum and organize the garage & basement and make sure the outside is looking great, all before baby arrives? I literally stopped myself multiple times this weekend asking those questions, (#nestingphaseisreal) but here we are Monday with everything in line, shockingly!

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What I Cooked Wednesday – Recipe Share: Spinach Feta Turkey Burgers

It’s hump day, and if you are looking for a light, yet flavorful burger to throw on the grill, this recipe is for you! My family loves these burgers – they are so fresh, light and inexpensive to make! I generally have these on the menu around the time I decide to stock up on a major ground turkey sale at our local grocery store. I am able to get 2 – 1lb packs of ground turkey for $2.50, I mean what—that is just a steal! So needless to say I like to take advantage of that sale and have the meat available for these or even as a ground beef substitute in recipes.

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Weekend Rewind: Weekend Top 4 – 8/5/19

Good morning everyone – happy Monday! Ugh it is mornings like this that get me ready for Fall but also make me hate that the fact that this summer is flying and almost over! I have been so tempted to purchase new Fall clothing, but have been trying to hard to stop myself from going crazy! Anyone else have advice on how to have will power?!

So this weekend was an absolute crazy one – I really am already terrible at documenting things and it totally spiraled probably due to the fact that I was trying to keep it together because my husband was out of town from Thursday morning to Sunday night! What is humorous is that I stay at home with the kids EVERY DAY, so why was this any different?! In all seriousness, I think baby #3 is ready to come sooner than we think and my body just wanted me to sit!

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