Life Lately: What’s In My Diaper Bag

Wow, okay first off, how is it Friday?! I feel like this week flew even though it did kick my behind! Not only do I feel like baby is sitting lower, but insomnia and general lethargic behavior have set in. Hitting 36 weeks pregnant, I think baby will arrive any week now, and that’s where some anxiety is starting to creep in!

My brother and sister-in-law just had their first baby (he is such a cutie!) and visiting them at the hospital was bringing back all the realities of what is soon to be! We are going to be straight up zombies for the next couple months at the very least! My husband and I almost can’t even believe this is happening again, ha!

So, in prep, I have my hospital bag all packed, which is perfect – in case you missed what I pack in my hospital bag, check it out here

…and now I really need to pack my diaper bag for baby!  Let’s go through the diaper bag run down!

Okay, so again a lot of the stuff I will pack initially will be minimal. Be aware the hospital supplies you with all the following:

  • Diapers and wipes
  • Handful of swaddle blankets
  • Hats and mittens
  • Baby care essentials (nasal aspirator, sponges, tube of Vaseline (for boy if circumcising)

In short, you really do not need to pack those items – I would keep a couple diapers your bag just to have for piece of mind, but keep in mind you can take all the hospital items home with you, so you will have a nice starting point right off the bat.

I have wanted to purchase a new diaper bag SO BAD – the ones they have out right now are so cute—but I just haven’t been able to pull the trigger! I still have the old school one shoulder bag, and honestly might invest in the backpack bags that are the new trend right now! It’s so much easier to grab and go especially for those with multiple kiddos!

Some super cute diaper bag options below

Here are a list of items I plan to pack in my diaper bag for the hospital:

– Going home outfit

There are so many cute ones out there! I do suggest buying a newborn sized onesie instead of 0-3 months. My kids were swimming in the 0-3 month clothes!

  • Muslin swaddle blanket

    Okay, I love these blankets so much – the fabric is so light and breathable and it is also big enough to make sure baby can be wrapped up nice and tight. The hospital blankets are totally fine, again I just like the size and the fact that it smells like home <3

  • Pacifier

    Just there in case there is an issue, I never used pacifiers for my first two kids because I didn’t want to screw up breastfeeding, but now a days they say its okay to use when they are that young just don’t make a big habit out of it.

  • Pen
  • Folder for all the paperwork, etc.
  • Car seat

    Obviously doesn’t fit in the diaper bag, but make sure you have that packed up and ready to go in your car!

I hope this list is super helpful for you and if you are expecting and packing, wishing you a safe and happy delivery! Also, would love to hear other suggestions as well – feel free to reach out if you feel there is something essential I am missing! To download and print the checklist, please click the icon below:

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