Day in the Life – December ’22

Happy, happy Thursday! Sharing a day in the life of us from last week!

As I always mention, these are my absolute favorite posts! I love looking back on these to see how things have changed/stayed the same/what was happening and I really love reading other bloggers DIL posts too (I’m nosy like that!).

Okay, let’s jump into our day in the life!

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Holiday Gift Guides 2022: girls 6-10

Happy Thursday everyone! I can’t believe we are just 10 days away until Christmas! The kiddos are so excited – especially for Christmas break! Today, I’m sharing my girls gift guide with you in hopes to alleviate any shopping issues you might have! It’s hard to shop for people, so I’m hoping this guide based on what my daughter loves can help you!


Let’s Look: Hosting Holiday Parties

Happy hump day everyone! It’s a Let’s Look link up, and today the topic is hosting holiday parties. This one is tricky because it is generally our parents having everyone over for the holidays. We joke – our house is the summer party house. Indoor parties are tough in our house because we have a choppy set up and not the best family room for everyone to gather together.

With that being said we have hosted a couple holidays so I will reflect on those!


Holiday Gift Guides 2022: Women

Happy Wednesday!! I hope you’re having a great week so far! Blogging has been a bit back burner as of recent, but I don’t want to stress about it! I always have to remind myself that this is a hobby and a useful and fun outlet – not my full time job! If you love reading other blogs like I do and happen to pop over to my area of the internet, I do apologize for not being so consistent! Maybe I’ll become better at writing 2 steps ahead in the new year! Anyway, I come back from a little break to share my holiday gift guides with you, and today happens to be a guide for WOMEN!
