Holiday Gift Guides 2022: Women

Happy Wednesday!! I hope you’re having a great week so far! Blogging has been a bit back burner as of recent, but I don’t want to stress about it! I always have to remind myself that this is a hobby and a useful and fun outlet – not my full time job! If you love reading other blogs like I do and happen to pop over to my area of the internet, I do apologize for not being so consistent! Maybe I’ll become better at writing 2 steps ahead in the new year! Anyway, I come back from a little break to share my holiday gift guides with you, and today happens to be a guide for WOMEN!

Click on the graphic below in order to be able to shop the page!

Honestly, I own and LOVE 95% of the items below! Hope this helps fill some gaps in your holiday shopping!

Happy shopping!

This post contains affiliate links, including Amazon.  As an Amazon Associate, I can earn compensation from qualifying purchases….I appreciate you reading along and supporting my blog!

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