Weekend Rewind: Weekend Top 4 – 8/5/19

Good morning everyone – happy Monday! Ugh it is mornings like this that get me ready for Fall but also make me hate that the fact that this summer is flying and almost over! I have been so tempted to purchase new Fall clothing, but have been trying to hard to stop myself from going crazy! Anyone else have advice on how to have will power?!

So this weekend was an absolute crazy one – I really am already terrible at documenting things and it totally spiraled probably due to the fact that I was trying to keep it together because my husband was out of town from Thursday morning to Sunday night! What is humorous is that I stay at home with the kids EVERY DAY, so why was this any different?! In all seriousness, I think baby #3 is ready to come sooner than we think and my body just wanted me to sit!

First off, our weather has been bomb! It made for a beautiful weekend and lots of fun memories with family and our niece and nephew! Speaking of niece/nephew…let’s jump right in to our weekend tops!

The arrival of our two newest family members!

Bam! in just the matter of three days we went from having three nieces/nephews to having FIVE! What is so crazy is the number of boys that are now circulating our family – the scales have tipped…five boys under 2, what?! We are so pumped for our brothers and sisters and cannot wait to meet the little cuties! We are so blessed that the babies are doing well and we are sending well wishes and prayers for some rest to the parents!

Lots of quality time with Family

I love spending time with family and it was particularly nice to have some fun sleepovers at my parents. My kids love it and they were having so much fun hanging with their cousins. We did walks, listened to a concert in the downtown park, played at the playground, played hide and seek, caught fire flies, attempted to sit still during a movie and bounced in the bounce house – yes my Mom has a bounce house she keeps in one of the rooms at her house that the kids can jump around in at any time (see pic below). What we all used to laugh about, we now are thankful for – it is our saving grace to just let the kiddos run wild! I love that the cousins are so close and enjoy being around each other! They are all the sweetest!

Concert in the park!
The two ‘bookends’ just hanging out!
Sleepover time! Movie and jammies
Stop getting so big please!
Hide and seek time!
Morning handsome!
Pic of the bounce house

First Birthday Party celebration!

My best friend’s baby boy just turned ONE! They had thee cutest baseball themed first birthday party complete with an ice cream truck – the coolest idea ever and a total hit! Of course got no pictures, but was literally sprinting to get everyone together and make it to the celebration post nap!

Fresh cuts

My son got his first official haircut at a salon followed by a fresh cut of pizza! Normally Grandma does it, but they were out of town and my Dad insisted he come get his haircut with him on his lunch break!

Fresh cuts!

He looks so big now, ugh! Even though he looks so much better, I am going to miss those little curls!

Hope you all had an amazing weekend and have a great week ahead!

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