Friday Favorites – 03.19.21

This week flew by and I felt like I couldn’t keep up! So many things to do before vacation, but we are all ready to go! I cannot wait for the beach! I won’t be blogging next week because I’m sure we will be busy taking orders from 7 little bodies on our trip! Sharing some favorites from the week!

Of course, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share some Friday Favorites with you all!

Link up with Andrea and Erika

Favs from the week!

Getting our nails done before vacation!

These two had a blast! Vacation ready!

Celebrating St. Patty’s Day with our green and some takeout Corned Beef sandwiches!

I always call my Grandma (her parents came from Ireland) to tell her we are wearing our green!

These guys are always goofballs!

Steak & Asparagus Salad

This salad is packed with flavor – the blue cheese takes it to another level!

Vacation Finds

Found some adorable things from Marshall’s and TJ Maxx for Audrey!

She is growing like a weed and needed all new workout shorts and shirts! Everything was way too small for her! We went through her closet and put together a giveaway and sell pile.

More Daylight!!

Crazy this pic was taken just before getting ready for bed time!

This Album…

This album is absolutely AMAZING! I’ve been jamming to it all week and cannot believe it contains 30 songs, WOW!

In the Garden this week…

….My mini greenhouses started to produce some seedlings! These Bachelors Buttons are taking off!

This really isn’t garden related, but it’s plant related so I want to share! I have to admit, when it comes to indoor plants, I DO NOT have a green thumb whatsoever. Turns out I was too scheduled with my care for them and have since started to recognize when I’m needed! So a definite favorite is that I haven’t killed a plant yet…

I’ve done some research and found out I was over watering my Peace Lillies. This seriously looks ridiculous, but I do not water the plant until it looks like the picture below.

I’ve been doing this for months and it truly works. Here is how the plant looks literally an hour later…

I had killed a Peace Lilly last year because I moved it into a bigger pot, which they actually do not like. You can see, I kept this Lilly in its original container, cut some slits in the side and placed inside this bigger pot that fits on this particular stand. I’ll have to look for signs of it outgrowing its’ container, but for now, all is well!

I also learned Peace Lillies can be iffy about fertilization – so I don’t mess with that, but any tips are greatly appreciated in that department!

On the Blog…

Our Perfect Night In

This week I shared what our perfect night in looks like! Hint: in the winter, it is always cozy!

Boredom Busters – Week 9

We’ve been continuing to share some indoor activity ideas for you on a weekly basis.

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One thought on “Friday Favorites – 03.19.21

  1. Joanne says:

    Ha! My peace lily is doing well by default then because I never think of watering it until it looks all wilted like that. But I have kept alive for a few years now. That steak salad looks delicious. Have fun on your trip.

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