Motherhood Monday: Parenting Self Audits

Good morning and happy Monday! I hope you had an amazing weekend – we definitely did as our weather was an absolute dream! We still have some nice weather on tap for us this week and we are definitely making the most of it.

I’m not going to lie, the past week has been rough. I’ve found myself angry, I’ve found myself consumed by everything that is going on in our country and also slightly terrified. I stepped away from watching ALL the news/media, which is sad this is what it comes to. I’m often left feeling upset that we are being controlled little by little and we will never know the total TRUTHS in anything going on. Journalist integrity is DEAD and that alone has put me in a dark place.

As I’ve mentioned I’ve found myself upset, confused, worried and all these feelings can negatively affect our kiddos who have absolutely no clue what is going on. The last thing I want is for my kids to see me crabby!

I’m an introvert at the core and already do a lot of self reflection on the daily. Recently, I feel I’ve had so much negative energy that affects how I parent. My husband and I both have been feeling the same way and the importance of us being true and honest with ourselves in finding balance in being the best parents we can has been an awesome thing to help pull one another through.

We’ve coined it the parenting self audit.

This open communication is extremely important and being able to sit and talk about things we want to improve/work on, things we feel we are good at and ways to fulfill certain voids/needs our kiddos need from us.

Just as in anything you strive to be good at it is extremely important to check in from time to time and see how can I be better. Obviously this goes for anything in life, but in this case we had a nice discussion about how we could be the best parents for our kids.

Here are our auditing points:

How can we improve?
What upsets/triggers us and how can we change? List and see if there are commonalities (i.e. stress, PMS time, etc.)
How do we want to handle these little years, will we change our parenting strategy once they are more independent?
Do the kiddos know they can communicate anything to us – good or bad?
Do they feel like they can be their own person?
Do we obsess over every little thing and lash out – if so, when do we find ourselves doing it?
Do we remember they’re just kids?
Are we giving them the attention they need and making efforts for QUALITY time?
Are we listening to their needs and requests and taking them seriously?
Do we give our kids the affirmation they are looking for and make sure we are telling them how proud we are of their good behavior?
Do the kiddos know they are loved and are we doing a good job showing it physically?

I’ve shared this before, but I am always fascinated with the 5 love languages for adults and I found this printable that is an awesome tool to use to make sure you are giving your child what they need.

This is from Happy Busy Kids Mom

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