Motherhood Monday: Baby Registry Essentials – What you REALLY need

It’s Motherhood Monday! Today, I’m sharing some baby registry essentials for any Momma’s-to-be! I was pleasantly surprised that we had ALL the essentials covered from our first baby shower 5 years ago. I’ve seen so many new gizmos, gadgets and inventions come out and really did not invest in any.

Because I found myself content with what we had, I’m sharing the main things you REALLY need – no frills, just basics! These items worked for our family and sometimes I find – the less, the better!

A huge shout out to my former boss who assisted me in putting together the best list of items to include on my registry, the most patience when it came to explaining certain things and answering all my questions related to what to expect when becoming a Mom!

Click on the links in this checklist to purchase what we’ve used for all 3 kiddos!

Infant Car Seat & Base

We use the travel system from Graco and absolutely LOVE it! The car seat clicks into any compatible Snuglock (aka Click n’ Connect) strollers/frame. I would suggest purchasing another base to put in a second vehicle.

Car Seat Covers

I personally love this winter/rainproof car seat cover. It is perfect for keeping little one cold all winter long up here in the Northeast! I know some people put jackets on their infants, but I’m telling you, this keeps them WARM! No extra work, no hurting your child


We put 3 on our registry – all accommodating different age ranges for the kiddos, different terrains – two of them extremely portable and lightweight!

Graco Click n’ Connect Stroller Frame

Jogger Stroller

This stroller is perfect for running, walking, hiking and can handle many different terrains. It gives a super smooth ride, has tons of storage space and can adjust from using the click n’ connect feature to pop in your baby’s car seat to having your baby and even toddlers sit forward facing in an upright or reclined position.

Umbrella Stroller

This stroller is great to have when baby is around 6 months and can be used for toddlers too. It folds up so nice and compact and has a shoulder strap making it easy to carry!

Diaper Backpack or Bag

This was the only item I swapped out over the years. I used to have an over the shoulder diaper bag, but after seeing my sister-in-law with a backpack diaper bag – I made the switch!

It is SO much better. You don’t have to worry about the bag sliding down and off your arm and the weight of the bag is nicely distributed on my back now!

Here are some SUPER cute options and best sellers!

This backpack has so many color options and THOUSANDS of GREAT reviews on Amazon!

I love that this one looks like a stylish black purse!

This one is similar to the first one I showed and comes in a bunch of colors as well!

I personally purchased mine at Gabe’s. I think it was technically a purse, but I turned it into my diaper bag!

Backseat Mirror

Baby Carrier

We have the Baby Bjorn and to be honest, I only used on several occasions. It has come in handy in terms of “holding” baby close with no hands to make dinner, get things done around the house and go to the park with the two big kiddos

This Boba Wrap scares me, but I know SOOO many people that love it!

Convertible Car Seat

Convertible car seats are great to put on your registry. They are for when baby is too big for the infant car seat and used throughout their toddler years. This car seat can be used rear facing and forward facing and has 6 different reclining options to accommodate each stage of your child’s life.


Nursing Pillow

I used the Boppy Pillow to assist when breastfeeding. It helps prop baby up comfortably. You can purchase any of these cute covers for the pillow as well!

Bottle Warmer

I would keep my bottle warmer upstairs for the nighttime feeds. It was so convenient to make fresh bottles and heat them to the perfect temp for every kid! I actually purchased mine from a garage sale years ago, but here is an awesome one with excellent reviews!

Bottles & Nipples

So this will vary by person. I had the Medela breastpump for every kid so I purchased the bottles that were compatible. I really loved this brand of bottles and nipples.

As far as the nipples, it is important to start with a SLOW flow nipple then move up to the MEDIUM flow once baby it a little bigger. You will also have to experiment and see which baby prefers best.

Bottle Brushes

These are great for quick bottle cleaning. I did ended up purchasing a bunch of bottles so I wasn’t in a pinch and then was able to wash them all in the dishwasher top shelf.

High Chair

This is the high chair we used for all 3 kids! I love that it has so many features such as reclining, it folds for easy storage and its very easy to clean.

Bibs, Spoons, Sippy Cups

These bibs are nice for catching all the foods and preventing big messes.

I personally loved these spoons

There are so many different sippy cups for each age – it is important to follow each stage of your child (i.e. cups with straws around 12 months)


Diapers & Wipes

I prefer Pampers Swaddlers – no joke, every time I would put the kids into Huggies or any other brand – there would be a blowout/leak.

I also would use this purchasing cycle through Target to purchase all my baby food, formula, diapers and wipes

Love the Target Up&Up baby wipes. I think they are AMAZING!

Diaper Pail and Refill Bags

This is so great to have in your nursery. You won’t believe how many dirty diapers and icky smells can come from such a tiny little baby! This is the diaper pail we use and it works great!

I get the Target Up&Up refill bags for this diaper pail

Wipe Warmer – SPLURGE!

I’m telling you – this is such a great thing to have – super inexpensive and it keeps the wipes nice and warm for changing time. It was nice to have in the winter or during those late night changes where you do not want to startle baby.

We also have this whole diaper station.

Changing Pad & Covers/Liners

This is the changing pad we purchased and we ended up putting it on top of a dresser that I purchased from a garage sale and repainted/updated!

There are SOOO many different changing pad cover designs to choose from that match any nursery theme/color scheme.

We have these super soft waterproof liners to sit on top of the changing pad/changing pad cover.

Diaper Rash Cream/ Aquaphor

Obviously a must have!

Aquaphor is nice because it has so many different uses outside of treating diaper rashes.


Crib & Mattress

Obviously you will be needing a crib – there are so many awesome pieces of furniture out there now-a-days, but this was our set

This mattress is great because it can easily be wiped off!

Waterproof Mattress Pad

A waterproof mattress pad is a must have as well! It helps protect the mattress – in this case we have double protection with our mattress being waterproof as well.

Fitted Sheets

I purchased a bunch of fitted sheets from Target because that is where I registered – but again, you can find the cutest patterns and designs anywhere! I purchased some fleece, a bunch of cotton and jersey material crib sheets. You definitely want to have at least 4!

Rocker/Glider or Chair

We purchased our glider from Burlington 5 years ago and we still have it in the nursery. It is the perfect size, very durable and super comfortable!

Here is a similar option that comes in so many different colors.

This glider is super nice and looks very comfortable – if you had a bigger nursery, this would be a neat option!

Sound Machine

I could not find our exact sound machine, but this one is SO similar. I liked that it had a projector on it – since we couldn’t fit a mobile on our crib – the projector shoots images up on the ceiling to keep our kiddos amused.


Obviously for all the dirty clothes that will be piling up! I personally like ones with a lid

Baby Monitor

There are so many monitors out there that are so high tech – here is one with phenomenal reviews.

Bath Time

Hooded Towels


Infant Tub

You’ll need this to keep baby safe during bath time

Body Wash & Shampoo

We use the Johnson & Johnson baby wash and shampoo

Rinse Cup

Scoops and pours water to rinse and clean baby

Faucet Cover

Mostly when the kiddos were toddlers – this is nice to have to keep them safe from bumping their heads

Kneeling Pad

This is a must have for bath time! It is SO uncomfortable kneeling on the bathroom floor and leaning over the tub.

Sleep Time

Muslin Swaddle Blankets

THESE blankets. They are INCREDIBLE! They are nice and large (perfect for swaddling). I used them as burp clothes, laid them on the floor, still use them as blankets for T who is about to be ONE!

Sleep Sacks

I have both wearable blanket options

This one is cotton and perfect for summer.

This fleece blanket is perfect for winter and the velcro swaddling element makes them feel nice and snug.


My kids loved these pacifiers

Sleep n’ Play Onesies

My kids lived in these. Rarely was I getting them dressed “cute” – I was all about convenience and comfort!


I personally don’t own this, but people LOVE it!

Play Time

I posted all about the rotation I used for each kid as a newborn – you can find that here. I found that creating baby stations in different rooms of the house was so convenient!

Pack n’ Play

I have the very basic pack n’ play, but I know so many Mom’s who have the complete suite that has a changing pad included. I also guarantee that you can find lightly used ones on Facebook Marketplace or garage sales.


This bouncer is so great to have to set baby in! Its reclined and has a vibrating feature.


This swing is the one we own – I love that there are so many different options – swing, glider w/ bassinet, and detaches as a bouncer.

Portable Bassinet

This bassinet is so great to take on the go ANYWHERE. It folds up so nice and can be stored easily! I would normally leave this downstairs in our living room and fold up when not in use!

Kick n’ Play Piano

This is perfect for infants! They can lay here, stare at the toys overhead and hear what happens when they kick their feet!


This exersaucer is great because it also converts into a walker! These keep baby entertained when they are big enough to support their head on their own!

Play Mat/Activity Mat

Another must have for keeping baby entertained and amused!

Health & Safety

Nail Clippers

First Aid/Grooming Kit

Cool Mist Humidifier

We have several of these and they are SUPER important to have in your nursery or for your kids when they are sick and have a stuffy nose! They come in SO many colors to match your nursery!


We own this Exergen Thermometer – but it is also very important to have a rectal thermometer as well. That kind is supposed to be the most accurate.

Nasal Aspirator

We have several bulb syringes around the house as well as this NoseFrida. It grossed me out at first, but it is pretty effective.

Outlet Covers/Cabinet Locks

Cabinet locks to keep baby safe from harmful chemicals under the sink.

Baby Gates

We have two of these baby gates for our stairs and also

this play yard baby gate set that can be stretched across to block off large wall openings

I hope this list is super helpful for you and if you are expecting and trying to figure out what you TRULY need when baby comes!

To download and print the checklist, please click the icon below:

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