Friday Favorites – 01.21.22

Where. did. this. week. go! I had some blog posts planned for the week and just never got to them. I personally did not have the best weekend and then the kiddos ended up having a snow day Tuesday, so this week has flown by! Finally getting caught up after taking some much needed time for myself.

Of course, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share some Friday Favorites with you all!

Link up with Andrea and Erika
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Friday Favorites – 01.14.22

Yay for the weekend! Had all three kiddos with my yesterday because Audrey said her tummy hurt – turns out she was just fine but I actually ended up enjoying the quality time! It was just like the “old times”. She’s back at school today so off to get some things knocked off my to-do list.

Of course, I’m linking up withh some of my favorite bloggers to share some Friday Favorites with you all!

Link up with Andrea and Erika
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Let’s Look: How You Organize for the New Year

Good morning and happy Wednesday! Today, I’m linking up with my some of my favorite bloggers, Mix and Match Mama and A Little Bit of Everything, to talk about how we organize for the new year!

This post is perfect to talk about right now! I just posted my 22 for ‘22 and many of them had to do with organization.

I like to break things down into specific buckets, so here’s how we organize our lives!


22 for ’22

Happy New Year’s Eve or New Year’s depending on when you read this! WOW, did 2021 not fly by or what?! Looking back on this year, there were so many things that truly came to light bettering our family. As this year comes to a close, I look forward to the excitement of a “FRESH” start in the new year. I’ve seen this trend “22 for ’22” and thought I would jump on board. What are 22 goals, intentions, plans and/or “to-do’s” you have for the upcoming new year?!

Today I’m sharing my 22 in ’22 list. I had a great time doodling over the past week while the kiddos were using their new art supplies from Christmas and I thought – what the heck, let’s have fun and make this list come to life!


Life Lately – December ’21

Where am I?? What day is it?! Are we still in 2021?! My goodness friends, what a crazy week it has been! I’ll share an update on that in a minute, but an overview – we left for a little getaway last week, missed our flight, finally made it home after a major delay and are now sick! I have so many things to share, but in the meantime, I’ll share a little life lately. Check back here tomorrow for my final gift guides tomorrow! Hopefully you are done Christmas shopping, but last minute ideas can always be helpful!

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What I Do Wednesday – Laundry Essentials

It’s What I’m doing Wednesday and today I’m sharing my laundry essentials. I feel very passionate about certain laundry items and figured I would share these things with you!

First off, let’s talk laundry routine. There is literally ALWAYS at least one load running through the washer everyday. I throw all the kids clothing together and use the same detergent (will share it below!) and then separate undies, socks and towels and throw those together in a load. Obviously adult clothes separate from that.
