Friday Favorites – 02.11.22

Happy Friday! Wowsers, the kiddos ended up having a five day weekend last week, so this week meant I needed to play a little catch up around the house and handle some tasks that were put on the back burner. Excited for a fun weekend – Audrey has a play date with a friend Saturday morning and the boys are going to be at my brothers (so I can reorganize our bedroom!), the father/daughter dance and the Superbowl – just to name a few things that are happening!

Of course, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share some Friday Favorites with you all!

Link up with Andrea and Erika

Favs from the week!

Movie night with this handsome guy!

We saw Spiderman: No Way Home. We both ranked it 3/10! Kind of disappointed as we LOVED the other Spiderman movies!

A five day weekend calls for fort building…

…and sled-riding…

My Mom didn’t want to miss out on the fun!

We did some crafting…

…and enjoyed some sunshine – which can be a rarity in Cleveland, Ohio winters.

Fav Clothing from the week…

Same old cozy wear… Loving this winter hat

And of course these sneaks!

Fav Foodie from the week…

This week I shared “What I eat in a week” on my blog. You can check that post out here!

This week we used up some browning bananas and made a big batch of mini chocolate chip banana muffins!

No comment on the techniques the boys use when cooking…girls are wayyyyyy cleaner!

In the Garden this week…

Soil has been purchased and placed into my seedling trays! Now to sit down and seed them! I will share all that stuff on my Instagram!

On the Blog…

Motherhood Monday: 3 Tips for a Smoother Winter Wake Up Routine

These small changes have greatly impacted how the kiddos wake up in the dead of winter!

Primetime Tuesday: Recent Amazon Purchases February

Let’s Look: What I Eat in a Week

Starting a new Friday fav tradition on my Instagram page today so click below to follow along!

Have an amazing Friday and weekend!

This post contains affiliate links, including Amazon.  As an Amazon Associate, I can earn compensation from qualifying purchases….I appreciate you reading along and supporting my blog!

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