Friday Favorites – 01.14.22

Yay for the weekend! Had all three kiddos with my yesterday because Audrey said her tummy hurt – turns out she was just fine but I actually ended up enjoying the quality time! It was just like the “old times”. She’s back at school today so off to get some things knocked off my to-do list.

Of course, I’m linking up withh some of my favorite bloggers to share some Friday Favorites with you all!

Link up with Andrea and Erika

Favs from the week!

Some winter outside time is always a favorite!

A sunny winter day is always my favorite…it just hits our front play room right!

I always like to lay in the sun spots. So warm and toasty. My kids and I joke that I’m a cat!

Another fav was finishing this book…finally! I really enjoyed it and flipped through the final chapters late into the night #couldntstopwouldntstop – this book was so good!

Fav Clothing from the week…

Been wearing the same ole athleisure. Our room is currently a disaster so I couldn’t even document anything anyway!!

Love this long duster with some flares and chunky boots!

Fav Foodie from the week…

You can read about something we are challenging ourselves to this month…in recent blog posts section below…

We’ve been eating in and I’m loving it (so is our bank account!)

Breakfast for dinner, orange chicken sticky rice & egg rolls, pork tenderloin, Italian wedding soup and chicken pot pie!

Easy after school snack plates always a fav!

In the Garden this week…

I made a major investment for the garden and I could not be more excited!

Last year I had some garden failures and it was all due to the mass amounts of rain we had. The garden area retained water too much and killed off a large amount of my flowers/seedlings/dahlias – sickening! Not making that mistake again!

I ordered lumber to create raised beds in the whole backyard area! It was look so much cleaner and performance should be wayyyyyy better!

On the Blog…

Weekend Rewind

Sharing our weekend on the blog

Prime time : Recent Amazon purchases

Spoiler alert! Not much here as we’ve been doing no spend January. These items are from around a Christmas!

Let’s Look: How I Organize for the new year

Shared the way I organize and areas I’m working to improve on!

Thrifty Thursday : How we budget using mint

I shared our budget and a tool that makes things so incredible easy! You should check this out if you struggle to understand your financial health!

Starting a new Friday fav tradition on my Instagram page today so click below to follow along!

Have an amazing Friday and weekend!

This post contains affiliate links, including Amazon.  As an Amazon Associate, I can earn compensation from qualifying purchases….I appreciate you reading along and supporting my blog!

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5 thoughts on “Friday Favorites – 01.14.22

  1. Cat says:

    Oh your chicken pot pie looks amazing! I’m meal planning this morning and I may need to add that in for the week since it’s been ages since we had one. Have a a great weekend!

  2. Joanne says:

    Looks like a delicious week of food! I’ve had chicken pot pie on my mind for making a lot lately… just haven’t gotten around to it yet. I tend to curl up in the sunny spots too.

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