Week Rewind – 01.10.22

Good morning! Hope you had a great weekend! Finally getting around to sharing a weekend rewind! We truly had a great “normal” weekend” Things can be so crazy around the holidays and Christmas break, it was nice to have some sort of routine back.

Saturday morning…and all kiddos found a way to our bed.

Turned on some cartoons and relaxed for a bit!

This kiddo and I went downstairs for breakfast and to watch the sun pop up!

We relaxed for a bit and then got ready for the day. Audrey and I were headed with my sister-in-law/her Aunt to a Tea Parlor! Such a great idea before she headed back to school, we had a blast!

The food was absolutely DELISH – an underrated dining experience if you ask me – not sure why we don’t go more often!!

The atmosphere, decor and pottery was DARLING!

These doors are going to find a way to come home with me…

We dropped off my sister-in-law and headed back home. The kiddos haven’t played in the snow ONCE this whole season! So after nap, JP joined Audrey for a little snow play!

After playing out in the snow, it was off to Uncle Doug’s basketball game! It’s been a while since we’ve been to one as they weren’t allowing fans last year due to covid…

This crew cracks me up!

No fun was had at all…

After the game, it was off to Grandma and Grandpa’s for a post game pizza party! So much fun!

Sunday we went to church mid morning – stopped at the grocery store to get ready for the week and relaxed all day!

It was pretty cold out, so of course, soup for dinner!

Our fav! Italian wedding soup!

Followed by another fav – a beautiful burning sunset! I love the sunsets we see out the front window this time of year!

Hope you had a great weekend as well!

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