Weekend Favs – 2.21.22

Happy Monday! I missed the Friday Favorites link up because Andrew was out of town and I had some other things to work on, so here we are! Sharing some favs from the week/weekend!

Favs from the week/weekend!

So proud of this guy. He is amazing! The kids got him some office supplies and balloons for his new promotion! 🙂

He was gone from Wednesday – Friday so my kids and I decided to spend some days at Grandma and Grandpa’s house!

Watching Uncle Doug coach and attending the basketball games are always a favorite!

Seeing Baby Grace is always a FAVORITE!

Wrapping up some invite orders is definitely a favorite!

Bob Ross videos are an absolute fav and something we are looking forward to watching more of. Audrey and JP tried to make their own pictures after!

Card night was also a fav! Audrey is quite the gamer and a little upset she wasn’t getting good cards in euchre even tho we beat the boys and she won so many hands!!

The outdoor warm up was super nice too! We love to get outside!

Fav Clothing from the week/weekend…

Always casual!

Except for church and dinner with girlfriends in Little Italy!

Throw in a festive nail too!

Fav Foodie from the week/weekend…

Ugh, this sandwich from our local deli is just *chef’s kiss*

A little Sunday late lunch – ravioli, marinara and a Caesar salad always a fav!

In the Garden this week…

I’ve been starting my seeds S L O W L Y, but surely! I cannot believe I already had germination most times it takes about a week or two! So excited, this year is off to a better start than last!

Hope you had an amazing weekend! Stop by tomorrow to check out something fun!

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One thought on “Weekend Favs – 2.21.22

  1. Joanne says:

    That sounds like a real fun end of the week. Solo parenting for a few days when the kids are young can be such a struggle. I always tried to make it more fun and unexpected for us all too to help the time pass more quickly.

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