22 for ’22

Happy New Year’s Eve or New Year’s depending on when you read this! WOW, did 2021 not fly by or what?! Looking back on this year, there were so many things that truly came to light bettering our family. As this year comes to a close, I look forward to the excitement of a “FRESH” start in the new year. I’ve seen this trend “22 for ’22” and thought I would jump on board. What are 22 goals, intentions, plans and/or “to-do’s” you have for the upcoming new year?!

Today I’m sharing my 22 in ’22 list. I had a great time doodling over the past week while the kiddos were using their new art supplies from Christmas and I thought – what the heck, let’s have fun and make this list come to life!

22 in ’22

1. Make $2,200 selling unused household items
2. Launch a NEW service offering in flower business
3. Pray the rosary DAILY
4. Run 3x a week
5. Be PRESENT and let go of expectations!
6. Quarterly purge: donate or remove at LEAST 22 items from the home each quarter
7. Be more POSITIVE!
8. Wash and cut fruit immediately – stop the waste!
9. Tackle home projects: Laundry room, master and kids bathroom
10. Write 22 more blog posts than last year
11. Implement family game or movie night
12. Bring JOY to others
13. No more unnatural coffee creamers (i.e. Carrageenan) come up with a healthy natural at home creamer
14. Say nightly prayers with the kids
15. Be a better and more organized Mom with kiddos school stuff
16. Support local business 2 times a month as well as a local farm 2 times a month
17. Less junk foods, more nutritious food offerings/meals
18. 1000 hours outside with the kiddos
19. Stay in your OWN lane!
20. Save 12% every month and put into savings/emergency fund
21. More quiet time (reading, writing, coloring, drawing, puzzles), less device time
22. Pick a group in the garden club and offer my time and talent fully

I hope this inspires you to put together a list for the upcoming year! Wishing you and your family a JOYFUL, HEALTHY and FRUITFUL NEW YEAR! May you feel fulfilled! CHEERS!

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One thought on “22 for ’22

  1. Joanne says:

    What a fabulous list of things to do! We definitely find cutting up fruit and having it ready to eat helps it all get eaten and leads to less waste.

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