Motherhood Monday: 1,000 Hours Outside Challenge

Happy FIRST Monday of 2022! Luckily the kiddos are off until Wednesday, so we still have some time to get back into routine. Winter break has been good to us – relaxing, fun and also a little lazy. Speaking of being lazy, that brings me to my post today, which is encouraging us to get up and get out!

Have you heard of the 1,000 Hours Outside account on Instagram? If you haven’t already, give her a follow! In my 22 for ‘22 post, one of my goals was to log 1,000 hours outside with the kiddos.

Northeast Ohio winters can be rough, but even if it’s super cold and snowy, it’s so important for the kids to get out and explore! We’ve been blessed with some pretty mild weather and made an effort to get outside while we could! She gives a nice like graphic to show how much time is required per day to make it happen!

Our summers are a different story. I kid you not, we are outside ALL THE TIME. I’m talking breakfast in our gazebo, lunch, swimming, exploring, trips to parks, running, swinging and using our imagination – it makes me so happy seeing the kids do what they are supposed to be doing. Being KIDS.

Sharing this with you, my fellow Mamas as we embark on a new year! Let’s clock some hours outdoors and enjoy making memories and these moments count.

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One thought on “Motherhood Monday: 1,000 Hours Outside Challenge

  1. Joanne says:

    I read a few books when my kids were young that helped me keep a very similar concept going in our house– 365 Outdoor Activities to do with your kids, Balanced and Barefoot, and Fifteen Minutes Outside: 365 ways to get out of the house and connect with your kids. I loved that once we got outside we usually spent more time out there than we had planned on. One of my favorite memories was eating breakfast on our back porch in winter in our snowsuits. We ate cinnamon buns and hot cocoa with fruit and then blew bubbles that froze! It was so fun and it turned into a whole science lesson and everything.

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