Day in the Life – March ’22

It’s almost the weekend! I think I’m in desperate need for the weekend! Andrew was gone on a work trip from Sunday-Tuesday evening, I decided to launch my new business AND it’s just been a lot! So many things I still need to take care of and hoping to do some of those behind the scenes items this weekend! On Tuesday, I had on my calendar to take pictures for a day in the life post. Finally getting around to sharing today!

This day was seriously filled with a whole lot of nothing – but, that’s what these posts are all about – sharing the uneventful because this is real life! It was not a typical day as I spent most of my time trying to get business stuff figured out so that explains how I only had literally 8,000 steps, yikes!

I was BEAT this morning as were the kiddos…hit that snooze button a TON!

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March 2022 Garden Update + BIG NEWS

Good morning – Happy SPRING and happy MONDAY!! Today I have some big and exciting news to share with you all! I’ve been spending a lot of time working on things behind the scenes, bothering family with voting and questions and I am so happy to finally have that all solidified!


Thrifty Thursday – Spring Clothing Haul – Creating Capsules for the kiddos

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you! Hope you are able to enjoy a beer and a corned beef sandwich, I know that’s what I plan on doing tonight! For today’s thrifty Thursday, I’m sharing (yet again!) how I shop for my kids clothing. I shared a toddler clothing capsule on Black Friday because that’s when I do a MAJOR winter clothing haul at Kohl’s. You can also check out last year’s spring clothing haul post. I absolutely love the Jumping Beans brand – it’s affordable, very basic and has ALL the essentials!

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Dollar Tree Finds – Easter Basket Edition

Happy Monday! Today I’m sharing some recent Dollar Tree finds that are perfect for your kids, grandkids or niece and nephew Easter baskets! Dollar Tree has some super cute Easter/Spring items in stores right now and I recently went in to grab some things for an Easter egg hunt at our house this year!


Friday Favorites – 03.11.22

Good morning and happy Friday! Keeping it short and sweet this week as it’s been super busy around here. A lot of exciting things going on, but also a little stressful! As I mentioned, I’m providing potted tulips and tulip arrangements to a local farm for an Easter event they have going on in a few weeks. I’ve literally been doing everything I can to get these tulips to hurry up and be ready for bloom by the time the farm needs them! Dealing with that and finalizing things for the new business has been very time consuming, but excited to have all that tedious work behind me!

Of course, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share some Friday Favorites with you all!

Link up with Andrea and Erika
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Motherhood Monday: Drugstore Beauty Products for Busy Mom on a Budget

I had this post scheduled for yesterday, and never got around to posting it. We were outside literally all weekend enjoying some beautiful weather and I put this post on the back burner. Normally I do my Amazon post today, but there are literally two things I would share (we’ve been doing a great job trying to eliminate useless spending).

Today I’m sharing a handful of my favorite beauty drugstore products that I feel are worth WAYYY more than what they cost! These products are something I use almost everyday and help keep a busy Mom looking somewhat sane!

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Lenten Goals

Lent is here and it serves as a time to grow closer to Christ in love and sacrifice. Back in my teenage years, I used to give up something like chocolate or TV, but it wasn’t until I was a little older that it hit me, lent should also be a time where you DO MORE for Christ. While abstaining from something is extremely important (we fast every Friday), striving to be better servants to Christ and to those around us, praying MORE and becoming stronger spiritually during the Lenten season will ultimately carry over into our everyday lives, which is the goal!


Tip Jar: Home Cleaning Checklist

Happy Tuesday! Today I am re-sharing my cleaning checklist because I’ve been using it a lot recently and felt it would be helpful to share again! I do not have a cleaning lady – though at times I wish I could! I personally refuse to pay for that service right now as I know it is one of my jobs as a stay at home Mom. In an effort to keep up with things around the house and not get TOO overwhelmed, I put together a thorough home maintenance schedule based on combining multiple cleaning checklists.

One of the main goals my husband and I have been trying to accomplish (and we’ve been doing a great job keeping up with it) is making sure the kitchen is clean EVERY NIGHT. Another area we’ve tried to improve on – making an effort to not get too agitated if the kids play room, aka our living room, is an absolute disaster during the day. It will always look chaotic as long as the kiddos are little and playing so learning to accept that fact is something we’ve made an effort to ignore. As long as the play room/living room is picked up at the end of the day and the kitchen is cleaned, we’ve found the following day to start off better – it just sets the day off on the right foot!

I will share more on this topic later because I have a WHOLE blog post dedicated to some things I’ve been facing as a Mom and a woman (hello Aunt Flo) that have truly come to light over the past year.
