Lenten Goals

Lent is here and it serves as a time to grow closer to Christ in love and sacrifice. Back in my teenage years, I used to give up something like chocolate or TV, but it wasn’t until I was a little older that it hit me, lent should also be a time where you DO MORE for Christ. While abstaining from something is extremely important (we fast every Friday), striving to be better servants to Christ and to those around us, praying MORE and becoming stronger spiritually during the Lenten season will ultimately carry over into our everyday lives, which is the goal!

Before I share some of mY Lenten goals, I did want to share this super cute idea – the Eat Pray Fast Printable from Look to Him and Be Radiant. I may try to incorporate some of these ideas throughout the season.


So often we find ourselves back to eating all the chocolate we want when Easter Sunday arrives. We go back to our OLD ways and habits moving forward maybe a little unphased. The goal I have for myself is: how can I enrich and enhance my spiritual life in a way that I am better than the day, week or Lenten season before. What are some areas I can improve on in my life that would be pleasing to God.

What I’ve found is that giving up chocolate doesn’t do that for me (though it can be difficult!!). So what are some things I can GIVE UP that will make me a better person. Here are some things I am looking to GIVE UP to be better:

  • Give up time on my phone and social media (set a timer and limit what I consume and how I spend my time)
  • Give up complaining and negativeness (this is something I struggle with – how can I be more like Christ and Mary)
  • Give up harping at the kids
  • Give up judging others

What to GIVE

  • Give time to God (in church, in prayer)
  • Give time for praying the rosary
  • Give thanks to God
  • Give compliments and show respect to others

HOW to GROW closer to Christ

  • Make more time for quiet prayer
  • Spend time reading scripture
  • Start a prayer journal
  • Find a way to serve those around you

Hoping this season of Lent will help me grow closer to Christ and create habits that will extend well beyond the Lenten season! Wishing you so many blessings during this Easter season!

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