Friday Favorites – 03.04.22

Happy Friyay!! i just noticed I missed the past couple Friday favorites! So happy to actually get this post written as it has been crazy town over here!

Of course, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share some Friday Favorites with you all!

Link up with Andrea and Erika

Favs from the week!

Spring weather in Ohio is just so unpredictable…

All this snow FINALLY melted (even though this morning was particularly stunning!

Enjoyed some sunshine and near 50 degree temps…

…to then wake up to almost two inches of snow and freezing temps the following morning!

My cousin hosted a galentines party and it was the cutest!

We made our own candles! Such a cute idea!

Another fav – THIS GAME! My aunt is seriously the best gift giver, I tell her all the time she should be a personal gift shopper for people. This game is super cute and fun!

Excited to pull out my spring decor this weekend! But for now! Loving my coffee tray!

Fav Clothing from the week…

Just reppin all the latest fashions! Still obsessed with this winter hat!

This vest is a recent fashion find that comes from my husbands closet…

This outfit was super fun and feminine!

Fav Foodie from the week…

Soup of course!

And these rolls are honestly the best you NEED to try them!

In the Garden this week…

My seeds are germinating!! The picture below is hard to see BUT I finally successfully sowed snapdragons! PRAISE HANDS! The seeds and seedlings are SO tiny!

I was also able to get out and sow some hardy annuals! our ground finally thawed out!

Im starting to see the tulip bed come to life!

Been working on ways to get a jump on the season!

On the Blog…

Tip Jar: Home Cleaning Checklist

I’ve shared this before, but this is an absolute favorite of mine! Helps me maintain the house in a simplified way!

Here is my helper helping me cross off some to-dos!

Lenten Goals

Shared some personal goals for this season of Lent!

Starting a new Friday fav tradition on my Instagram page today so click below to follow along!

Have an amazing Friday and weekend!

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One thought on “Friday Favorites – 03.04.22

  1. Joanne says:

    Your weather sounds as unpredictable as ours! LOL. I am loving that outfit with the bit of lace peaking out the bottom. Cute and feminine and yet it looks nice and comfy too.

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