Day in the Life – March ’22

It’s almost the weekend! I think I’m in desperate need for the weekend! Andrew was gone on a work trip from Sunday-Tuesday evening, I decided to launch my new business AND it’s just been a lot! So many things I still need to take care of and hoping to do some of those behind the scenes items this weekend! On Tuesday, I had on my calendar to take pictures for a day in the life post. Finally getting around to sharing today!

This day was seriously filled with a whole lot of nothing – but, that’s what these posts are all about – sharing the uneventful because this is real life! It was not a typical day as I spent most of my time trying to get business stuff figured out so that explains how I only had literally 8,000 steps, yikes!

I was BEAT this morning as were the kiddos…hit that snooze button a TON!

Was really struggling with this wordle and staying awake…so I fell back asleep…

Woke up to the second alarm and finished up – WHEW!

Terrible picture..but laid in bed and started my rosary. The kiddos were sleeping in my bed (because Andrew was out of town!) so I let them sleep a little longer so I could finish in peace.

I was demoted to the bottom of the bed

I went to the bathroom to put on my “make-up” aka just my favorite mascara combo!

Giving my face a breather from makeup! I knew I had to shower at some point so it was pointless to even put it on! Soon it will be summer and a nice tan helps a lot and that’s where I really try to avoid wearing foundation and concealer.

Started waking my little people up!

We got ready brushed our teeth and hair and headed down for breakfast. This little chick had been struggling with a sore throat and dry cough, so I gave her some manuka honey to help soothe it!

Gave a spoonful, grabbed our coats, shoes and book bags and we were out the door!

After dropping the two big kiddos off – Tommy and I headed home to get some things done.

I pulled out my tulips from the garage…

We emptied the dishwasher…

And I finally ate my breakfast!

Made a latte!

Saw some messes around the house and figured, it would be pointless to clean up! But I did have a ton of laundry to fold up and put away!

I pulled out some ground beef for dinner to thaw… not sure want I planned to make with it, but at least something was out!

Then I took my coffee outside to scan my garden beds and watch while Tommy played for a little bit!

Came in for a quick snack before it was time to pick up JP from preschool!

Didn’t get any pictures of pickup, but we grabbed our guy then headed home for lunch.

They had turkey sandwiches, carrots and strawberries…also didn’t get a picture!

I did picture my lunch! This combo is AMAZING! Add some fresh avocado, some cooked corn and a squeeze of lime- YUMMMMM!

After lunch the kiddos watched some TV while I sat down to get an order placed for some upcoming bouquets!

Had to truly think what I was going to have available and it really took me a long time!

I laid on the floor doing my work and this guy played right next to me!

Next up, NAP TIME! This guy was tuckered out!

JP normally doesn’t nap, but he was a little drowsy so I told him we would lay down!

After the kiddos were down had a chat with Andrew! He was out of town for a work trip and fell behind on some things and said he needed to stay late to get things done!

After that I chatted with my Mom and then hopped in the shower! Desperately needed it!


Again letting my hair air dry! Didn’t want to wake the boys!

Headed downstairs to wait for the bus and work on a seating board for a wedding!

Made myself a bowl of cereal for a snack!

Waiting for the bus!

Yay! Sissy is home!

Grabbed yet another load of laundry! Sheesh!

Put some clothes away!

Left this out for my husband! He loves Hawaiian shirts and I think this one is going to be a hit!

Next up was snack plates for the kiddos…I made a little one for myself too!

After that the kiddos played and I sat back down to look at flower stuff AGAIN!

Then pulled my flowers back into the garage

Time FLEW and it was time to think about dinner – I decided to do bunless burgers. Super easy and the kids love hamburgers!

Cut up some honeydew for dinner

Then it was time to tidy up the house! Hurry! Dad is coming back!

A little better!

Then the kiddos heard the door! Dad’s home!!

We all relaxed for a little bit then up to brush teeth, wash faces and get into jammies!

And I passed out shortly after this! And that was it! A day in the life around here!

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One thought on “Day in the Life – March ’22

  1. Jess says:

    Love a good Day in the Life post! I also love that your daughter is still in what appears to be her school uniform way after getting home, haha–reminds me of me at that age! 🙂

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