Let’s Look: Love Languages

Good morning and happy Wednesday! Today, I’m linking up with my some of my favorite bloggers, Mix and Match Mama and A Little Bit of Everything, to chat about February’s Let’s Look – Love Languages! I actually shared a post about this on our anniversary back in October, but excited to share a little more details about our love language.

Our Love Languages

Andrew and I started our relationship in grade school and WOW, I still am amazed how we continue to learn about each other even after all these years! It was actually in college when I heard about the “5 Love Languages” book/concept and it wasn’t until a couple years ago my husband and I actually took the quiz and started applying them to our relationship. The five languages are broken down as follows: Quality Time, Physical Touch, Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service and Receiving Gifts.

This has been so helpful for us when it comes to dealing with tougher times in a marriage AND making sure you are filling your spouses’ cup in terms of giving them the love the want and need.

Andrew and I share the same primary love language: Quality Time. A close second and third are Acts of Service then Words of Affirmation – again we both share these which is so interesting and sounds like it should be easy for us to give each other what we need – but there are times we struggle.

Quality Time

I’ll speak for myself in terms of my primary love language, Quality Time and what this means to me! I LOVE being together as a family – as weird and quirky as it sounds, there will be times we need to drive separate to our parents house and I’m always trying to make a plan where we just all drive together, haha! COVID work from home has actually been nice for our relationship. While other’s just “need a break” we are coexisting at home really well and actually enjoy seeing each other a little more throughout the day.

To fill our cup, we love going on little trips together, going out to dinner, watching a show or movie together, and just doing the simple things one-on-one. While that is tougher to do with kiddos, we have found that our love language stretches to the parenting aspect of our life and we look forward to doing all the things mentioned above as a family too! It is just important to make sure you focus on each other every once in a while.

Acts of Service

This is our secondary love language and honestly one we both struggle to give one another. I think it’s because we both are so busy with things and any spare moment, we are looking to refuel and have some “me” time. I know for me, I love for things to be done without asking – i.e. emptying and filling the dishwasher or tidying up a room. While men are wired completely different and I can’t expect to get that 100% of the time, I need to provide Words of Affirmation thanking him for doing those little things and make sure he knows I appreciate it, ha! I find my husband appreciates the smallest gestures and anything that can provide ease in his life. For example, having his work clothes ready to go (pre-COVID) or doing something for him (making a phone call to schedule an appointment) that may inconvenience myself without hesitation or complaint. Obviously this love language is self giving and can be challenging, but it is SO important!

Love Languages for Kids

I’ve shared this in a prior post, the importance of understanding your child’s love language to make sure you are giving your child what they need. I’ve included this helpful chart below to show ways how to know and give the proper love to your child!

This is from Happy Busy Kids Mom

While one might think, kids love ALL THE LOVE, there are ways to narrow it down and be more direct in fulfilling your child’s actual needs from you!


Audrey’s PRIMARY love language is Words of Affirmation! She LOVES to be complimented on a job well done and loves receiving praise when it comes to being a good girl, listening well, or doing a task or project really well! We often have to make sure we tell Audrey that it is okay to praise her siblings as well as she can sometimes get jealous is we compliment her brothers.


JP’s love language is Acts of Service. He loves to know you are on his side and appreciates you doing things for him. He also loves quality time and wants you to listen and give him undivided attention which can be tough for a middle child to receive!


And Tommy, well he’s still a baby and obviously loves all the LOVE, but it will be interesting to see what his language will be!

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One thought on “Let’s Look: Love Languages

  1. Joanne says:

    My boys are definitely not the physical touch types! My oldest will only hug family members on holidays or birthdays. LOL.

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