What I Do Wednesday – Laundry Essentials

It’s What I’m doing Wednesday and today I’m sharing my laundry essentials. I feel very passionate about certain laundry items and figured I would share these things with you!

First off, let’s talk laundry routine. There is literally ALWAYS at least one load running through the washer everyday. I throw all the kids clothing together and use the same detergent (will share it below!) and then separate undies, socks and towels and throw those together in a load. Obviously adult clothes separate from that.

About 90% of the time I fall behind in the “putting away” piece of the laundry equation. I’m trying to be better at this so my living spaces aren’t cluttered with baskets of clothing.

Each person in the family has their own laundry basket. I will fold clothes right into each basket so I can easily carry upstairs and put away.

I actually LOVE doing the kids laundry – folding their little clothes is just the best!

I normally fold in our family or living room on the floor! Not sure if others do this or if it’s even good for my back!

I absolutely love our washer and dryer! We purchased from a Sears outlet because the previous owners had taken their washer and dryer (I’m happy they did!).

I love the settings the washer has. It’s very easy to use and easy to clean as well! I try to clean my machine every month – either spraying down the inside tub with vinegar and filling the detergent compartment with vinegar or using a washing machine cleansing tablet – I like Affreshj.

Okay let’s talk detergent. I use the Tide pods or liquid color saver Cheer on adult clothing, underwear and towels.

For the kiddos, I STILL use this detergent because I’m obsessed with the smell and do feel it’s gentler for the kiddos skin. Target’s Up&up brand is very inexpensive and smells AMAZING!

Another item I’m really passionate about is the Lysol Laundry Sanitizer. I will ALWAYS add this when washing sheets and will add to the kids school clothes, sick clothes or any clothes that we packed up to travel in. You can add this stuff to any laundry load – what is nice is that you don’t necessarily need hot water to kill off any germs. This can be added to gentle/delicate loads and has the same effect (if not better) as a hot water wash.

For stains, sharing the most amazing stain remover, particularly for salad dressing and oil spots! This has been a game changer in the stain removal department for me!

De-Solv-it has been amazing. Check out this stain that I could not get out of Audrey’s gym shirt – particularly because it went through the dryer…

Stains removed and the shirt looked brand new!

I throw in the Oxi Clean white revive to the sock loads to freshen things up a bit.

Last but not least, the dryer! I stopped using dryer sheets a couple years ago and really did not notice a difference without them. My mother in law recently gifted us these dryer balls (wool represents 7 year anniversary!) and they are super nice!

When the weather is super nice out, I will generally hang dry clothes – there is something about that smell that I absolutely love!

I use this clothesline and run it from our pool deck to the fence. It has worked amazing for two years now!

Using the clothesline saves a lot of time and allows me to keep things in the laundry room moving by not tying up the dryer. This is especially well for sheets, comforters, blankets and quilts. They dry up super fast outside.

Last but not least, SOCKS!

My nemesis…

Seriously where do they go and how do they get split up so easily?!

I keep Dollar Tree bins on top of my dryer and after I finish folding clothes – any solo socks get tossed into this bin!

About once a month, I will go through and match socks (this was about 2 months worth of solo socks).

I’ll dump everything on the floor and usually have a kiddo help me sort and find matches!

All paired up and a great feeling to stock the kiddos drawers again!

And there you have it, my laundry essentials and routine. Would love to hear of any products you are passionate about in the laundry department?! I’ve always wanted to try Thieves, but haven’t done so yet!

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