10 Bad Habits I’m Breaking in 2025

Hey, hey, hey and happy Thursday! The kids had an ice day today and I’m off to try and knock out my to-do/chore list, while keeping them in line!

I celebrated my birthday this week and decided to blog about habits for some reason. I think after I’ve found my personal groove in my thirties and understand myself a little more every day. Sooooo….here we are, today, I’m going to share 10 bad habits I currently do, that I’m working on breaking in 2025.

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Helpful and Flexible Home Cleaning Checklist

Happy Tuesday! Today I am re-sharing my cleaning checklist because I use it every single day! In an effort to keep up with things around the house and not get TOO overwhelmed, I put together a thorough home maintenance schedule based on combining multiple cleaning checklists.

I shared in my Motherhood Monday post today, that I need small achievable goals and this cleaning checklist allows me flexibility and a realistic approach to taking care of our home.


Motherhood Monday: Positive Habits for SAHM

Good morning and happy Tuesday! I don’t mean to trip you out, but I’m going to share two posts today – one, Motherhood Monday (on a Tuesday) because I didn’t get to it and the second involves my cleaning checklist I still LOVE and use to this day!

Both posts go hand in hand in a way, so if you’re a new stay at home Mom or a working Mom who is looking for some habits to implement that won’t completely overwhelm you after a long day at work, I hope this read helps you!

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What We’re Making Wednesday: Starbucks Cake Pop Dupes

Good morning and Happy Wednesday! Today’s post is part of my “What/how I’m _____ …Wednesday” series. Last week we saw a recipe for these and could not wait to try them. My kids LOVE cake pops, so anything we can recreate, we’re game for!

What I love, is these can be customized in so many ways! We decided to make some Valentine’s cake pops! Giving props to the initial recipe found here!

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Motherhood Monday: One on One time

Happy Monday to you! I’m sure all my Northeast Ohio friends & even Midwesterners enjoyed the beautiful sunshine this past weekend. My gosh, did it feel so good! I honestly think a gained a tinge of sun tan from laying in the sun in our front room! I can’t tell you what that sun does for my mood though!

Today is Motherhood Monday where I share a bunch of randomness related to motherhood, parenting. Today, I’m sharing something that has come up A LOT in our home recently with Audrey in particular. That is one on one time.

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Tip Jar: Back to School Checklist

Happy Thursday! I can’t believe we are a weeks away from a new school year beginning! We just got home from vacation and my husband just had a medical procedure done, so it’s been crazy around here! Last year, I put together a list of to-do’s to have completed prior to the first day of school and I figured I would share that here in case you are in the same boat preparing for all things back to school!


Sharing our Summer Routine and Schedule

It’s the day before the first OFFICIAL day of summer and I am so excited to share some summer fun posts with you! A month ago, the kids and I sat down to chat about our new summer routine and what we wanted our summer to look like this year! I am the type of Mom that NEEDS a structured plan in order to get something accomplished. If I don’t have a game plan, we can fly through a day and look back and ask ourselves, what the heck did we even do today?!

In an effort to make summer fun and memorable (we get limited summer with these kiddos – especially these ages), we put together a summer schedule to encourage us to have the most amazing summer! I’m also sharing a very loose summer routine that I try to follow if I can! It helps give some form to our days and the structure is truly helpful for all of us!


Let’s Look: Our Best Travel Tips

Good morning and happy Wednesday! I hope you are having an amazing week! Today, I’m linking up with Shay from Mix and Match Mama blog and Erica from A Little Bit of Everything blog to chat this month’s “Let’s Look” blog prompt – best travel tips.


Motherhood Monday: Craving Traditional Motherhood & Homemaking in a Modern Day World

Happy Monday my friends! I hope you had a nice and relaxing weekend! We had some plans cancel on Saturday, so it turned into a relaxing weekend, which I LOVE!

Today’s post is about something I feel super drawn to – that being a more traditional way of living in our household. Sometimes I sit back and reflect on my childhood and compare it to my kids. The amount of times I’ve told them, “when I was a kid, I used my imagination a TON and didn’t need guidance or instructions to play” – recently are too numerous to count.

Don’t get me wrong, modern day technology and living is pretty amazing. We’re able to get almost any items we need on our doorstep the next day, we can order groceries online and pick them up at the store or have them delivered within hours, we have access to countless food choices and can also have them delivered at our doorstep, we can access information at our fingertips and be aware of what is going on with family, friends and the world around us on a minute-by-minute basis. All that sounds amazing until you really think about it.

Technology and those modern day conveniences without limitations are negatively affecting us parents, our children and home structure sometimes we don’t even realize it.

I’ve already witnessed the addiction YouTube has on kids. Opening surprise toys and watching others play has become all the rage – messing with a child’s psyche and their own way of play. Tik tok (which I refuse to have) is another addicting platform that is awful for kids self esteem, their youth, mental well-being and should be banned entirely in my opinion.

The fast food convenience craze upsets me a bit. Now, obviously I love a good McDonalds Coke or Burger King fry once in a while, but constantly eating out just makes it easy for our children to form bad habits (I.e. what they want they get right then and home food is boring) and doesn’t give them the real nourishment they need. They will no longer want the “bland” (I.e regular fruits and veggies) and will crave all the processed sugars, sweets and junk they normally receive. Being able to cook and eat at home allows me to control what’s in my food, have my kids try things (even if they don’t like it) and enforce healthy eating habits and emphasis on such for my kids.

If there is no limit to technology and modern day conveniences – the core fundamentals of being a kid (using imagination, building self esteem and confidence, patience, exploring outdoors, enjoying the simple things in life) and a family unit will slowly be destroyed and our children will have a lack of understanding of how important these core values truly are. It’s my job as mom (and obviously Andrew as Dad) to show them, share with them and be the example.

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What I’m Doing “to Tackle Stress” Wednesday

Good morning and Happy Wednesday! Today’s post is part of my “What/how I’m _____ …Wednesday” series. Today also happens to be National Stress Awareness Day. When I was mapping out the month I noticed this fell on today’s date, so I figured, why not open up and share how I have been trying to manage stress and anxiety in my life.

I didn’t think I was a super stressful/anxious person, but add family, constant chatter and serving as the referee to your kiddos day in and day out, it can wear on you! I’ve spent a lot of time thinking how I’ve become so tightly wound and found it actually is literally just that. Along with those things there are also physical and hormonal issues that contribute to this.

I’m sharing these issues in detail below because so many of us are dealing with the same things. We all have different factors causing stress and anxieties in our lives, some way more serious than others, but I’ve been determined to self sort it out as I never thought I could be affected by it so much. I have found different ways that help me tackle and handle stress. I have also discovered when I’m feeling triggered and how to avoid it. And obviously, I am working on improving areas of my life where stress can be easily eliminated.

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Tip Jar: Lists and Reminders

Good morning and happy Tuesday! I’m posting this Tip Jar Tuesday a bit late, but oh well! The kiddos had a great Halloween, the weather was beautiful, but there are still some lingering sickies in the house so we have been laying low (including myself!). Andrew and I head about of town later this week for a wedding, so I’m trying to get things in order around here before we leave!

Speaking of getting things in order, I wanted to share something that has been extremely helpful for me!


Just a few of my favorite FALL things!

Happy Fall all! Honestly, it is such a bittersweet time of the year for me. I truly love our summers here in Northeast Ohio – I love the weather, the long days, gardening, being outside – all of it! Fall is an absolutely beautiful time here too, but I start to think about winter. Doing my best to embrace all that fall has to offer and forget about hibernation season.


Cedar Point Recap

Good morning and happy Tuesday! We just got back from a quick overnight trip to Cedar Point and I honestly could not be more excited to share this with you!

Per usual, we had a blast! We are fortunate to only live an hour and some change from the park, so doing an overnight trip works for us! If we miss some things, we can always go back! Sharing the details about our trip and some tips and tricks on how to make it a little better experience for you!


What’s Trending?! A little about our mini Bernedoodle

Happy Monday!! This weekend flew by and unfortunately – the kiddos were dealing with some sickies so we had to cancel some of our plans for the weekend. Total bummer BUT at least 2 out of 3 kiddos are feeling better. This morning Audrey and JP are off to vacation bible school for day one of the week, which will be a nice little break for me (particularly not having to listen to bickering!)

Speaking of all the kiddos, I’ve been meaning to introduce our newest family member, Nellie! I figured I would do a Q&A about our sweet little girl as we do get LOTS of questions when we are out and about! Sharing and answering the most common questions we receive in case you want to learn more about this sweetheart of a breed!
