Winter Love

Good morning and Happy Thursday – how is it Thursday already?! Well, we were hit with the tummy bug again – Audrey and I actually had it at the same time (which was interesting and a first for us here), but we’ve made it through and feel a lot better. I am waiting for the boys to come down with it because it is just so contagious, once it hits your house, you know it hits EVERYONE!

Anyway, today I thought it would be nice to share a post about “winter love”. It has taken me until recent years to really appreciate this season in life and I think there are some things I want to carry over from this season into the next ones.

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Our Family Favorite: Quick and Easy Breaded Chicken

Good morning and happy Friday! Instead of a typical Friday Favorite post today (since we just did a whole life update for What’s Up Wednesday – you can check that out here!), I figured I would share a family favorite around here. I will share a couple Friday fav photos from the week after I share this breaded chicken with you, so be sure to scroll to the end!

When I say, this chicken recipe is the easiest and most versatile recipe, I mean it! Dinner done in 15 minutes or less…you’re going to want to save this one!


Goals for 2024 in Flowers & Blogging

Happy Friday everyone! The kids have ANOTHER snow day, so we are bunkering down and enjoying another day at home together! We went out to dinner last night in celebration of the snow day, so I’m behind this morning on the blogging front – and that’s OKAY! That’s the perfect segway into my goals in 2024 for my two favorite hobbies, flowers and blogging!

Last year, my flower business got even more real. Not that it wasn’t real before, but I had orders to fulfill, a group of people to get flowers delivered too, a farm that shared my flowers with the local community in their market daily, a group of growers that provide local florists with fresh blooms including mine AND a community event that ended up using my flowers as centerpieces and decorations in their “Italian Market” theme.

It was a crazy fun year and I continue to learn so much! All that craziness, though, led me to “drop the ball” on my other hobby – BLOGGING here!


Goals for 2024 in Homemaking

Happy Thursday everyone! Continuing where we left off from Tuesday, today I’m sharing my goals for homemaking in 2024. After nearly 6 years of being a stay at home mom, I feel like I’m finally finding my groove. Could it be that the kids are a little older and it’s a little easier to get certain things done during the day, YES, but I’ve also figured out a routine that really works for me.


Goals for 2024 in Motherhood

Good morning and Happy Tuesday! I hope you had a great weekend with your family! This week I plan on sharing some goals I have for myself and our family for 2024. Each day I’ll highlight a different goal in an area of my life/home and provide details behind it.

I’ve learned so much about myself since last year. I’ve also learned that time is precious and I want my energy to be put into things that value time and those I love. Will other goals and “aspirations” I have for myself suffer – definitely, but I know I’m way better off and in a better place when I know where my priorities are.


Our Cleveland Staycation!

Happy Tuesday my blog reading friends! As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, we did our annual staycation to end winter break and I have to say it was a good one! Not only was I grateful for the things we have in our life, but I was beyond blown away at how BLESSED we are to live in such a beautiful city.

Cleveland, Ohio gets a bad wrap. Not sure why, but in the past decade at least, there have been incredible transformations to the Downtown area. I have a great pride and love for our hometown and if you chose to visit it, I think you would be shocked too.

I highly recommend making a trip to Cleveland, especially if you have kids, there are plenty of things to do!

Summertime is obviously one of the best times to visit, you have the Flats, which allows you to dine on the gorgeous riverfront. There is Lake Erie and the Lake Erie Islands, where you can spend time on the beach or near the water! There is Cedar Point, an incredible place for families, I’ve shared this before. There are world class museums, beautiful architecture, incredible history, the second best Theatre District outside of New York City AND I cannot fail to mention our awesome sports teams, ha! Basically, you should add it to your bucket list!


Life Lately – Winter Break Recap

Happy Thursday everyone! The kids are back off to school today and while the peace and quiet is nice, it’s so sad when they head back. We had a blast over break. It felt LONG, thinking back to their first day off, we spent so much fun time together and made many memories!

I figured I would kick off the new blogging year with a winter break recap! I LOVE blogging and always challenge myself to do better. Some way, some how, it always gets put on the back burner, whether I think the posts I share are pointless or I just physically don’t have the time or energy to write it out, I NEED to find a system that works for me here and I look forward to trying to achieve that in 2024!

With that being said, thank you so much for reading, supporting and sharing all your kind words on my blog over the past 5 and a half years! I am so blessed!

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What’s Up Wednesday [11.29.23]

It’s the last Wednesday of the month, and that means I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers Mix & Match Mama and Sheaffer Told Me To to share what has been happening around here! These are my favorite posts – I LOVE seeing what others have going on and love that I can look back at these someday!

Oh my goodness have I missed blogging! There is been so much happening around here that I never get ahead or around to it! Of course coming back and sharing in this post is the way to go as it is a good catch up! I hope you all had an amazing Thanksgiving holiday and are getting more in the holiday spirit! I can’t believe we are weeks away from Christmas!

As always here’s a recap of what’s been happening around here lately!

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What’s Up Wednesday [09.27.23]

It’s the last Wednesday of the month, and that means I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers Mix & Match Mama and Sheaffer Told Me To to share what has been happening around here! These are my favorite posts – I LOVE seeing what others have going on and love that I can look back at these someday!

Hey September, you were a busy one! I love September and am so sad it’s coming to an end! Summer is officially over, but I hope there is still some awesome weather left for us!

As always here’s a recap of what’s been happening around here lately!

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