April Coffee Stand Decor

There is something about swapping out the decorations on my coffee stand every month! It is fun to switch it up – and I find so much joy in enjoying what each month has to offer! As I’ve mentioned MANY times before, I have a bin that has accumulated all my coffee stand decor and most of the items have come from the Dollar Tree, Bullseye’s Playground or Walmart. Sharing my bright and colorful April coffee stand with you on this beautiful Tuesday morning!

Hello Spring!

Gimme all the pastel colors! I saw this adorable pom garland from Target and instantly knew where it belonged!

The little carrots came in a pack of 3 or 4 from the Dollar Tree last year – same with the clip on flowers!

Little rainbow jar (linking the same brand and style that was near the rainbow jar for reference) was from Walmart and is SO CUTE!

“Hello Spring” sign I purchased from Bullseye’s Playground last year for $1.

Now off to an early dentist appointment appointment and back home to enjoy some gorgeous weather! Have a lovely day!!

Month-by-month Coffee Stand Decorations!

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And that sums it up! Fun, festive and highly used space – we love our coffee “bar” Have a great day everyone and thanks for reading along!

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