Recent Favorites & Easter Weekend Rewind – 04.05.21

Well, last week was a crazy one! The entire family got the stomach bug and I of course got it last! I did not leave the couch Thursday and spent Friday getting back into the swing of things! What a crazy week, but so so happy we are all feeling better!

Since I missed posting my Friday Favorites, I figured I would share some favorite things around here recently and a recap of our Easter weekend! Hope you all had an amazing weekend and a blessed Easter Sunday! God is good!

Holy Week

It wasn’t a typical Holy Week at the house this past week… we were all sick and basically trapped in our house for the week. I REALLY do not like the stomach bug, to the point I get anxiety once one gets it because you KNOW it’s only a matter of time until you’ll be getting it. Also, I HATE watching my kids go through it, you feel so hopeless and it’s just the worst – I don’t handle it well. With that being said, we made it through and while the week was crap and we felt like crap, it makes you appreciate being in good health on a daily basis. It’s so easy to take for granted. So while we were not feeling our best, it was also a time to be thankful & reflect on the many blessings we are given and pray for those who are suffering and praise the Lord for saving all of us – I cannot even fathom His suffering and death on the cross for us.

Easter Sunday

How we made it to 7 am mass, I’m not sure, but we had a great celebration and even was able to snap a family picture after church!

My family came over after their mass for breakfast and an egg hunt – since everyone in my family got the stomach bug, we figured all the infectees could be around one another!

Family Egg Hunt

The kiddos had a great time searching for eggs! I filled the eggs with random toys from Walmart and the dollar store as well as candy. Each kid had to find a shiny “golden egg” to then receive a grand prize, which was more items from Walmart, Dollar Tree and Target. I filled the bags with play-doh, little prayer books, socks, stickers, Easter stamps, squishy toys and tiny bug catcher kits!

A not so Favorite….

We got snow. This was not an April Fool’s joke (wish it was…)

Thank goodness it melted the next day!

Egg Coloring

For the second year in a row, we were unable to see my in-laws for egg decorating and Easter. We are keeping our distance so we do not get anyone else sick as this virus hangs around even after you’re no longer showing symptoms.

The kiddos had fun decorating their eggs!

Daffodils in Bloom

I’ve been loving my dafs! They smell lovely!

Basket Assembly!

I really enjoy putting the kids baskets together! This rainbow basket was my favorite!

Happy to kick off a normal week around here! Wishing you a happy and healthy week ahead!

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