What’s Up Wednesday [07.28.21]

It’s the last Wednesday of the month, and that means I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers Mix & Match Mama and Sheaffer Told Me To to share what has been happening around here! These are my favorite posts – I LOVE seeing what others have going on and love that I can look back at these someday!

What We’re Eating This Week…

This is my go to sbux drink right now! The cold foam is just heavenly!

We had BLT’s on Monday and spaghetti yesterday! We’re out and about the next couple days so we’ll be eating out!

If you’re looking for a quick and easy dessert to bring to a party or cookout, look no further…recipe here!

What I’m Reminiscing About

Grade school days! Picking up Audrey’s school uniform brought back all the feels. Funny that Andrew and I were in the same class K-8!

What I’m Loving…

Flowers are Producing

Thank goodness, the majority of plants are starting to produce so many blooms and continuous amounts as well! The summer shades have been really fun to work with in arrangements!

Love seeing these friends all around the garden!

This was just too cute! Little guy was passed out the other morning!

Summer fun!

Swimming, time outside, parties… I love it all!

What We’ve Been Up To…

Just hanging around being busy!

School Prep

I’m having mixed vibes about Audrey being in Kinder next year. I am so so excited for her and know she is ready for it, but I can’t help but be sad! I am going to miss her so much! We’ve been filling out paperwork, ordering off the lunch menus, getting supplies and picking up her uniform – all the things!

Camps Galour

Audrey has been having the time of her life – between attending safety town all last week and cheer camp this week, I don’t know how she still has energy at the end of the day!

Blueberry picking!

We just can’t quit with these fresh local blueberries!

What I’m Dreading…

Full-time school next year…

Also going through a purge of this house. It REALLY needs it right now!

Also, doing dishes by hand for another couple weeks – our dishwasher has been broken for a month and a half and we’re still waiting for it to be delivered and installed!

What I’m Working On…

Roadside Garden Stand

I’ve hit up a handful of garage/estate sales and found some interesting pieces I want to incorporate to my flower cart somehow!

What I’m Excited About…

Cedar Point!

En route as we speak! So excited for the kiddos, it’s all they have been talking about!

What I’m Watching/Reading…

Still…The Guest List – I had started this a while ago and never got to finishing it!

Needing a beach read – wanting to start this one…

What I’m Listening To

Hot Country playlist on Spotify – ON REPEAT! Also, the kids singing a song they made up together – “All down the road, all down the road, we’re best friends forever, all down the road” I have no clue, but so cute!

What I’m Wearing…

Found some fun sunnies!

Same go-to outfits – Old Navy has been my jam recently!

What I’m Doing This Weekend…

A couple parties this weekend which I’m excited about!

What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month…

More Blooms!

Same as last month! So ready to see things take off in the garden. The heat and rain have really caused some problems in the garden recently. This year is definitely an odd one! A lot of farmers are having major problems with the excessive rains and heat in the midwest.

Michigan Trip!

I can’t believe we are headed back up to our favorite lake in a few short weeks. How is it going to be August and back to school soon?!?! This trip up north always gives me all the feels because it means the next time we head back up there, the kiddos will be a year bigger and summer is coming to an end.

What Else is New??

Just trying to get organized. I’m really struggling in this dept. and really want to take a week to just purge, reconstruct, reorganize and deep clean this house. Ever get in those moods?

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5 thoughts on “What’s Up Wednesday [07.28.21]

  1. Joanne says:

    Enjoy your trip to Cedar Point! Your flowers are just gorgeous. We’ve been ordering school uniforms too and I can’t believe it’s nearly August. Summer just flew by this year.

  2. Natasha says:

    I’m belatedly catching up on my WUW reading. I LOVE your zinnias and all your flower pictures. And I too wish I could have an entire week with all my people gone so I could just purge and sort our house. Why is there always so much stuff to go through?!?!?!

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