Weekend Rewind – 05.17.22

Happy Tuesday! Sharing our weekend review today and you can come back tomorrow to check out a Day in the Life post! We were spoiled with BEAUTIFUL weather all last week – even into the weekend! My body is still recovering from multiple days of A LOT of movement! Here are some highlights from the weekend!

Did I mention I was exhausted yesterday from this weekend?! This was Saturday night and Sunday’s stats were just shy of this!

The kiddos had their first t-ball game and absolutely loved it!

They did so great and we all had a blast as it was a whole family affair!

Post game ice cream was a necessity as it felt like a summer night!

Somebody loved their ice cream!

My Sunday morning view was relaxing! I seriously LOVE hanging clothes on the line – something about that fresh smell and also it dries SO QUICK!

We got a lot of work done in the garden! As I mentioned, we were all so exhausted!!

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