Thursday Thoughts: Dear Quarantine Time

Over the past several weeks particularly, I have found myself thinking what life is going to be like after we come out from our homes and gradually start returning to “normal” life (and I use that lightly). There are so many things we took for granted and having that “freedom” taken from us has really made me appreciate the little things more. During this time, I’ve also discovered to not be so hard on myself, which I explain down below. I’m sure so many of us can relate to this, and hope this can help you get through the “final” stretch.

Dear quarantine time,

While I miss so much the things we used to normally do around here, I can’t help but take a moment and be thankful of the things that we used to take for granted…

Amazing family, friends, health, a job, home, food, cars, technology – so we can attend mass, connect with family and friends virtually and have awareness with up-to-date information everywhere – toys and a TV (ha!)…the list goes on and on.

All those things you can take for granted in the monotony of it all. It never occurred to me how fragile life can truly be. Things can change in an instant and I find this as an opportunity to thank God every day for all those things I just “expect” to be there. Appreciate the blessings you have and don’t be afraid to show it. So, quarantine time, thank you for showing me the importance of those things and opening my eyes to it all.

Dear quarantine time,

Someday I will look back at this time we had and want some of the things back.

Oddly, we were so opposed to you, but we shouldn’t have been. I saw a quote similar to this on Instagram and could not find the original but NEEDED to share it because I was brought to tears! (If you know where it originated from, please share so I can share along with mine and can give credit – the wording is slightly different I think!)

Dear quarantine time,

You’ve shown me I shouldn’t be so hard on myself all the time…here’s why?

It’s proven even if I have no where to go, no one to see, I’m still be behind on to do list items I always wanted to save for when I “have time” – kids don’t make it easy…

I will never be caught up on laundry even if I had all the time in the world – I’m still behind and we’re pretty much wearing the same things everyday…

Appreciate your job more because you could not have it one day…

Allow the kids to play and use their imaginations. You don’t have to feel the need to intervene all the time – they can have fun without you!

The house can be messy – it is the stage we are in. Stop wasting so much time trying to keep up and save it for another day!

Dear quarantine time,

Thanks for showing your humorous side – you’re really funny.

You’ve shown truth to the phrase “Every day is groundhog day”…

You’ve shown me I would not make the best teacher…

You’ve decided to double my grocery budget I worked so hard to create and monitor without even telling me…

You’ve put me on the show Master Chef (quarantine edition) – cooking up meals with random combos of food I never would imagine pairing together…

You’ve shown me how much I miss watching sports, going on vacation, attending local events, retail therapy, concerts, going out to dinner…the list goes on and on. So so silly of you to temporarily take those fun things from me!

For real, toilet paper is really important and I should have an extra pack lying around in case of emergency!

Dear quarantine time,

You have a super serious side too.

By following you we’ve saved so many lives…but have lost so many during this time, too.

You’ve shown us all the everyday heroes out there, too many to list. All are brave, selfless and caring

Our country is filled with kind, caring and charitable people who aren’t afraid to step up when others are in need.

Speaking of, we are so blessed to live here in America. A society and government of the people, by the people and for the people. It is truly a blessing.

There are so many businesses, individuals and organizations that help make the world go around, and I appreciate all that they do.

You’ve taken so much away from us – loved ones, events, experiences, play dates, parties, holidays, proms, graduations, sport seasons, classes, jobs, opportunities…the list goes on and on.

Money doesn’t grow on trees and should be handled smarter with the future in mind.

Dear quarantine time,

You’ve been tough, but you’ve shown us we are too. We will and can come out of this bigger, better, stronger and smarter than ever before. We look forward to saying goodbye to you, but appreciate the knowledge and revelations obtained during our time together.

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