Life Lately – Our Summer Recap – JUNE

Happy Thursday everyone! Hope you’re having a great week so far! We’re almost to the weekend, WHOA HOO! Today, I’m sharing our summer recap for JUNE! We’ve had a lot going on all summer long, and blogging took the back seat this summer, so here’s a brief update! Be sure to stop back here tomorrow for my FALL Friday Favs! I loved doing this post last year and I’m happy to start it back up again!

School’s out for the summer and we kicked it off right with a festival, library visits, s’mores campfire, swimming in the newly opened pool and

We enjoyed baking with our fresh strawberries!

We made sure our plants were in the ground and watched them grow!

We ran around like crazy playing until we crashed!

We played putt-putt!

And attended vacation bible school!

We enjoyed Dad’s favorite pizza place for his birthday!

We went on a trip of a lifetime – Maui!

We started tball again and realized we don’t love it!

And last but not least, we said “See you soon” to our very favorite Nun! Crazy story – Sr. Denise grew up attending our family parties! She is very good friends with my Uncle who is a priest! Years later, she ended up being assigned to our parish and we LOVED being surrounded by her joy each and every time we saw her!

And there is a little June recap for you!

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