Let’s Look: Our Evening Routine

Happy Wednesday everyone! Today is a Let’s Look prompt where we link up with Shay from Mix and Match Mama blog and Erica from A Little Bit of Everything blog. I’m super excited about all the topics this year – they are just so creative and fun! So kind of them to do these link up parties!

Today’s topic is, our evening routine. In some ways, I’m like, “what routine?”, but I realize we are falling into one! School has been excellent, extra curriculars are great, sports have been amazing, but it’s been a bit of a juggling act! Here’s our routine most days!


My kids have been LOVING the bus, this has been a game changer for me! So off the bus they are and straight into the house! Tommy is so excited to see them (as I am) and I hear a constant chatter of how their days went, anything funny that happened, etc!

Some days there is volleyball right after school, so I pack a change of clothes for the kids and some snacks and head to practice as I’m helping coach!

At home, I have them unload their backpacks, lunch boxes and lay out any homework that we could get going on! I like that this year we have a week to complete the assignments, so you can work on it all week at your leisure!

After school snack is next – I love doing snack boards, it’s easy for me an it keeps them from reaching for the junk food!

Next up is normally play time, I let them run outside for a bit or chill out – I can tell they were working hard all day, so I like them to have freedom! If the weather is still nice, we will even swim!

By the time we’ve done this – it’s either dinner or it’s time to get ready for flag football practice or any other weeknight activity we may have going on. These vary week to week, but normally fall from 6-7p (flag football and soccer practice). If we have practice, we will normally eat after – which I don’t LOVE, but that’s what seems to work with our schedule!

If we are home, we go outside as a family – play or do a family walk! We sometimes will make a trip to the park. We love doing this!

After our evening activities I let the kiddos wind down with a show and then make our way up for bath and jammies!

After we are in our jammies we brush teeth and meet in a room to read a story (most nights if there is time and we’re not exhausted). Then it’s time to hit the hay!

Summer and fall are always difficult for kidding the kids down somewhat early. We are not the people to follow when it comes to bedtimes. Our kids go late (9:15pm), which we are working on changing. I’ve been trying to read, but find I’m pretty exhausted at the end of the day so I normally fall asleep doing this, ha!

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One thought on “Let’s Look: Our Evening Routine

  1. Joanne says:

    I think your kids stay up later than I do! LOL. I have always been such an early to bed/ early to ride kind of person and even in college I willingly signed up for all the early morning classes and had nice long afternoons to myself. Luckily my kids all seemed to do just fine with that too; now, of course, they all stay up far later than I do but i don’t care since I no longer have to get anyone off to bed. It’s nice that those later nights give your kids more outside and playtime though.

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