Friday Favorites – 11.13.20

It’s time to share some of my favorites from this week! Hope you all had a great week!

Of course, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share some Friday Favorites with you all!

Link up with Andrea and Erika

New Hue & New Shoe!

Shared my new polish this week! It was on sale in stores, so I’m thinking you might be able to find it on clearance!

Spice age – Sally Hansen

Tuesday, I shared recent Prime purchases for end of Oct. – Nov. and there were only THESE shoes! I am really loving them!

Old Navy henley

Gorgeous Weather!

We’ve been spending A LOT of time outside and I’m realizing how much I am going to miss it! The weather this weekend was perfection and we found ourselves outside whenever possible!

Did some final leaf pile jumping!

Enjoyed a picnic at our city park

Changed into shorts because I was sweating and got to work with garden stuff!

We enjoyed some nice r&r out front while the kids ran around like crazy people!

Kids went in for a snack and my husband and I moved to the backyard for a bit! So peaceful!

Some other park trips from the week – can you tell we made the most of these gorgeous days!

Coffee, donuts and playground at our favorite place! We met my cousin and her little ones in the morning and it was just perfect!

I wore this outfit and a jean jacket to the park but needed to remove that real quick! I love these joggers

Day in the Life Post

I LOVE reading day in the life posts on other blogs! You can read about our pretty average and uneventful day here!

Dahlia digging and splitting

I got some awesome yard work done thanks to the nice weather we had in the beginning of the week! I spent a good portion of the day yesterday dividing my dahlias and I could not be more excited about it! As a person who is super THRIFTY – this is my dream! I basically quadrupled my dahlia inventory and do not need to buy as many tubers come spring! I have my base and I will probably end up buying a couple new varieties to add to my collection!


For as much as I LOVED the warm weather – it was also nice cozying up and enjoying a nice bowl of pot roast yesterday! I love all the cozy foods!

Have an awesome weekend!!

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One thought on “Friday Favorites – 11.13.20

  1. Joanne says:

    We have been loving our weather lately too! But starting today it’s supposed to get quite cold again. We’ll still bundle up and head outside but it takes a lot more motivation to get me outside.

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