Friday Favorites – 07.16.21

Good morning and happy Friday! I literally feel like our family has been struck with some sort of illness plague – it has been nonstop around here! I had all plans to blog all week and that just didn’t happen due to many sleepless nights and sickness myself! So, here I am pulling together a FEW favorites from the week!

Of course, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share some Friday Favorites with you all!

Link up with Andrea and Erika

Favs from the week!

Bounce house fun and dinner at my best friends house with her kiddos!

A water balloon fight once we all started feeling better!

We were laughing hysterically here! He got hit in the head and his hair shot straight up haha!

Sissy was on a mission to get her brother big time

Gorgeous sunset views from the top of our street!

Blueberry picking then dinner out before Dad left for his trip!

I finally decided to wallpaper our bathroom this week and cannot wait to share the finished product!

Going to repaint our vanity (thanks to my sister in law for the idea) – here are the color swatches we picked out!

The sweetest boy!

Another sweet boy!

Not so fav of the week….two kiddos sick at the same time.

Fav Clothing of the week…

Ignore the mess in the background – bathroom under construction! I’ve been living in these shorts! I LOVE THEM!

Fav Foodie of the week…

These are our GO-TO freeze pops…I’m telling you, you will never buy another brand – we bought these on vacation in Florida 3 years ago and I ONLY look for this brand! They have the best flavors and they are extremely flavorful!

In the Garden this week…

I shared an update this week, but we have had SOOO much rain around here recently! One would think that is a good thing, but too much is not so good. Here’s to hoping my dahlia tubers don’t all rot!

Here’s an example of how much rain fell!

My front perennial bed is an absolute favorite of mine!

Zinnias are starting to POP! So exciting! I didn’t see blooms until August last year!

I added this bed around our pool deck last summer and LOVE how much it has filled in!

Some new bouquets this week!

And a handful of snapdragons!

On the Blog…



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2 thoughts on “Friday Favorites – 07.16.21

  1. Joanne says:

    So sorry you had so much illness going around; that is never any fun. Can’t wait to see the bathroom all done; those paint swatches are fabulous and I can’t wait to see what color you end up choosing.

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