Friday Favorites – 06.25.21

Happy Friday! Sharing some of our favorites from the week!

Of course, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share some Friday Favorites with you all!

Link up with Andrea and Erika

Favs from the week!

Finally some swim time!

An impromptu picnic at the park

Along with a little bit of drama! There were some EMS vehicles riding through trails when we got there, I’m nosy and a nerd and tuned into the dispatch and listened to the whole thing unfold – a woman fell in the creek and hurt her leg and did not know where she was so the emergency crews had a hard time locating her.

They finally found her and put her in the ambulance right near the park (she was just fine thank goodness!) and the fire chief let the kiddos check out the ATV…so sweet!

Garden club meeting was an absolute favorite! We had a garden tour of one of the members followed by a meeting and drinks, so relaxing!

Garbage day is a favorite…

Was feeling tropical with this morning coffee view!

Random pic, but this was at 11:20 pm. Full moon lit up the entire yard!

And I quote, “This is the best day ever!!!”

They had a blast!

Don’t ever grow up…

This sky was GORGEOUS!

This big guy is ONE!

Fav Clothing of the week…

It’s been abnormally cold so thermals, long sleeves and jean shorts were on this week!

I did order these cute 4th of July day outfits for the kiddos!

Fav Foodie of the week…

Okay, this queso from Costco is UNREAL.

…and this Spritzer OMG! Shared it this week on the blog (linked up at the end of this post!)

In the Garden this week..

Planted some final rounds of seeds! We had A LOT of heavy rain this past week so it was a bummer coming out to check and see some seedlings did not make it. There was one plant in particular I was excited about, but welp, that’s mother nature…not much I can do about it.

This picture cracks me up! I can’t wait to pull up a chair and enjoy the beauty of it all!

Glad someone can relax in the garden, ha!

Things are growing!

On the Blog…

Orange Blossom Peach Spritzer

This drink is a must make for summer. It is PACKED with peachy goodness!

Prime Day Deals

I shared some of our absolute favorites on Monday and Tuesday

Day in the Life – June

Documented a random day in the life around here!

Andrew and I were laughing about the difference in our coffee…

Which one are you?!

Hubby’s birthday is this weekend so we are looking forward to celebrating him! I hope you have an amazing weekend!

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3 thoughts on “Friday Favorites – 06.25.21

  1. Alison says:

    It looks like a great week! Those two cups of coffee also look like mine and my husbands. Ha! I hope you have a great weekend! 🙂

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