Friday Favorites – 06.11.21

Happy Friday! Sharing some of our favorites from the week!

Of course, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share some Friday Favorites with you all!

Link up with Andrea and Erika

Favs from the week!

We got together with some friends we haven’t seen in a long time! It was so nice and the kiddos had a blast!

We had lots of pool time!

….and this melted my heart!

Fav Clothing of the week…

Nothing new here! Just trying to stay cool is this humidity! Found myself wearing comfy summer dresses this week to stay cool!

Fav Foodie of the week…

We’ve been making these waffles NONSTOP all summer!

In the Garden this week..

We’ve gotten a lot of rain this week and it really has been so good for the garden! I was able to transplant a lot from my seed trays and have most everything in the ground! Now we wait!

I’ve also surprised myself by being able to put out a handful of bouquets on the curb! I LOVE making arrangements! These are so light and airy!

I went red with my planters this year! I do love the red pops against all the green we have around!

On the Blog…

Here are some of my posts from this week!

Summer Bucket List

Prime Time Tuesday

Hope you have a fabulous weekend!

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