Friday Favorites – 04.16.21

Good morning and happy Friday! Rounding up the week to share some favorites around here!

Of course, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share some Friday Favorites with you all!

Link up with Andrea and Erika

Some Favorite Pics from the week!

Stop growing up. Ugh, we’re in the sweet spot age wise. He is starting to attempt to talk so much more and while it is the cutest to watch his little brain work, it is making me so sad.

I swore I blinked and he transformed into this big guy!

Also, these two can stop growing…How cute is this little group?!

Clothing Fav of the Week…

This sweater is AMAZING! Such a comfortable material and very unique style! I bought this for vacation and unfortunately it did not arrive in time, but oh well, I feel I’m going to be wearing this ALL the time anyway!

Here’s a better look without the mirror lines…

Okay sharing these shoes again because they are AMAZING! They are a water shoe/tennis shoe, easy to get on and off and I don’t care if they get wet! Comes in a ton of colors!

The kids have been wearing them non-stop and love them! A little more than a sandal, but still gives you the breath-ability as the top part is mesh!

Loving this suit! Cannot wait to wear this summer! I went with the olive green, but it comes in sooo many colors! This was part of my Prime Time post linked down below….

In the Garden this week…

Lots of fun things happening! We got some rain yesterday which was HUGE for all the plants!

In case you missed it, I shared my 2021 garden plan with you yesterday!

I’m expanding and figured I would show where and what additional plants I am adding this year! I will continue to sow seeds this weekend to keep things blooming at different times! You can check out the post here.

Deal of the Week…

Shared over on Instagram this 5 tier shelving unit from Aldi for $50. I know we’re all looking for more storage options and better organization! I purchased this for seedling trays. There is also an identical one on Amazon (that I have) but it looks like these are sold out right now, so RUN to ALDI!

On the Blog This Week…

Prime Time Tuesday

Shared a whole bunch of Amazon randomness including these awesome travel friendly beach chairs….

Foodie Favs This Week…

We had to go to Andrew’s office for the final time so we chose to turn it into a fun little evening with dinner “out”! The kiddos are easy to please, so subs it was! I seriously have not had Jimmy John’s in FOREVER and wow have I missed out!

When I was working downtown, our ladies lunch crew used to go ALL the time! Oh, how I’ve missed the Club Lulu!

I also made one of our favorite post Easter soups! Cheesy Ham and Potato Soup. I will have to share this recipe soon, but this is an awesome way to use up all the leftover Easter ham.

Thanks for reading! Hope you have a great weekend!

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