Friday Favorites 04.03.20

Today, I’m linking up and sharing some Friday Favorites with you all!

Linking up with Andrea and Erika

Spring Things

I LOVE all the things associated with spring! The colors, egg coloring, Easter Sunday, putting together the kid’s Easter baskets, sunshine, warmer temps, bright clothing and FLOWERS BLOOMING!

I have been outside pruning and looking through my gardens to make sure the plants survived winter and check if they are starting to come out of dormancy. I am SO pleased because everything appears to be coming back – which I was worried because these weren’t super established plants.

In case you missed it (actually you probably did, because this was one of my first posts), we completely redid our front flower bed. In the post I share some tips on how to successfully design and plant a garden bed. Here’s a throwback before and after pic…


after…some additional plants have been added since this picture was taken!

I can’t wait for all the flowers to come back in – my ultimate goal is for this bed to be 100% perennials – where gaps are filled as the plants grow bigger, no weeds can come through and I can watch it flower each and every season as each one has different blooming stages!

If you don’t own this garden tool already, do yourself the service and add it to your arsenal!

An awesome weeder!

Spring Coffee Tray

My tiered coffee tray is showing all signs of Spring! Shared some of the details here.

I put together our Easter table so we could enjoy it leading up to the day

Switching up dinner

I LOVE to cook, but it has been an interesting time where we don’t have the conveniences we once did of running up to the store whenever we want. I’ve been trying to get creative in my meals (1. based on availability of items in the grocery store & 2. switching up the day to day monotony) and have also started mapping them out in advance because my grocery pick-up or deliveries are very FAR and FEW between now-a-days.

I shared some meals we have been having the past 2+ weeks around here, along with some family favorites in order to help make your lives easier.

Meatless Taco Salad Bowl – Knorr “Taco Rice” Side thrown in a salad topped with homemade Tortilla Strips
Pasta Fagioli Soup with Balsamic Roasted Brussel Sprouts

The post would be OVERLY long had I posted every single recipe, so I tried to share some of the MAIN ingredients in order to help you know what to add to your grocery shopping list (which if it is anything like mine, EVERGROWING…).


Okay, so my daughter only does a 3-day preschool program (sorry to all of you homeschooling FULL TIME with bigger problems to solve!!), but I have loved watching her learn and problem solve through the activities her teachers sent home with her! Her teachers have taught her so much, it is truly incredible!

She loves doing school at home. When I say, “Okay, time to get your school work done,” she cannot wait and will sprint to the table ready to go!

That’s all for now! Wishing you a happy, healthy weekend!

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3 thoughts on “Friday Favorites 04.03.20

  1. Joanne says:

    I am waiting anxiously for spring-like weather here. That is the one time I really tackle the yardwork and garden is when it’s nice and warm but not yet hot.

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