Friday Favorites – 01.29.21

Happy weekend! I hope you had a great week! I’m loving that we are another step closer to spring!

Of course, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share some Friday Favorites with you all!

Link up with Andrea and Erika

Weekly Winter Activities for Kids!

Each week I’m sharing 4-5 ideas that you can do with your kids. These activities are simple, inexpensive and can be easily done around the house! You can read all the details here!

We’re making these pine cone bird feeders today after Audrey’s school. I’m actually really excited to hang these on the tree outside our front window and watch all the action. I think the kids will really enjoy it!

Sharing the instructions we are using from Green Child Magazine

Blowing Steam

Our local YMCA has family gym time allotments, so I booked a time and we brought a couple balls and let the kiddos run around! My brother, sister-in-law and nephew joined us and it was a lot of fun to move around. I played tag with Audrey and honestly cannot believe how out of shape I am!

This kid is a future golf pro.

Garden Planning

I’ve spent a big chunk of time getting my cut garden plan all together and finalized. I have SO many plants to fill my current and new bed plans, but need a LITTLE more space to be able to plant/try all the seeds I bought! I’ve been trying to be smart with this to maximize the amount of space I have!

I got to work cozy by the fire while sissy was at school and the boys were napping!

What’s Up Wednesday

My favorite posts to read! You can check out my post here.

Sock Jackpot

I have a little bin in our laundry room that collects any lone ranger socks. I decided to go through it this week and WOW! The kid’s drawers are filled again! Kind of a semi-enjoyable task when you find some matches!

Latte Art Masterpiece

Do you see it?!

Okay, I don’t know why I thought this was really funny. And yes, I actually do attempt to make little latte hearts when using my Nespresso so as you can imagine, this was a big deal for me.


And that’s about it for this week! Hope you have an awesome weekend!!

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One thought on “Friday Favorites – 01.29.21

  1. Joanne says:

    We’ve made pinecone and even bagel bird feeders before. They are such a fun and easy craft yet we never were able to hang them in a place where we could actually see the birds.

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