What’s Trending?! Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Foam at Home

Oh my goodness! Sharing one of my most favorite things with you today. If you’ve been to Starbucks and ordered the cold foam on top of your drink, you know how amazing it is! It is a cloud of heavenly sweetness that makes your coffee taste 1000x better!

I don’t have the chance to get to Starbucks a whole lot, which is a good thing too because it’s so expensive, so I’ve decided to enjoy my signature drink in the comforts of my own home! For today’s “What’s Trending” post – I’m recreating Starbucks vanilla sweet cream cold foam at home!

The Vanilla sweet cream cold foam is different than the vanilla sweet cream cold brew. The cold foam actually sits on top of the cold coffee and is a much thicker consistency.

I have been obsessed with this and it takes identical to Starbucks at home!

Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Foam

This recipe is enough for 2 servings. I will generally keep the other half in the fridge and spoon on top my coffee the following day.

  • 3 tbsp heavy whipping cream
  • 1 tbsp vanilla syrup
  • 1-2 tbsp 2% milk

Add the heavy whipping cream and vanilla syrup to a glass. Mix with a handheld frother (about a minute or two)

Add milk and continue to froth until the cream mixture resembles the consistency of melted ice cream

Prepare your favorite cold brew in a separate cup (I add a little vanilla syrup before pouring)

Then top with this cloudy, fluffy, perfectness!


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