What I “Do” Wednesday: Daily Vitamins & Morning “Health” Routine

For this month’s “What I Do” Wednesday series (it’s been awhile since I’ve done one), I’m sharing the vitamins I take and something my husband and I have been trying to do every morning. Please note: I am not a doctor and have done my own research as well as made my primary care doc aware of the vitamins I am taking and you should always consult with your doc when starting vitamins and supplements.

Last year, when COVID hit, my husband and I started to get back on track taking vitamins on a regular basis. We used to be really irregular taking them, so we were trying to find ways to remember to take them daily. We purchased these pill organizers last summer making the morning routine a lot easier for us.

My Morning “Health” Routine

As of recent, I’ve really discovered the importance of making sure I am drinking water throughout the day. It is so easy for me to forget and go an entire day hardly drinking any water. My husband started having a full glass of lemon water FIRST thing when he woke up. First off, the lemon provides a healthy dose of vitamin C, a potassium boost important for nerve-muscle communication and blood pressure regulation. Your body has gone hours without drinking and by adding lemon to your water, you are replenishing your cells and body in the best way!

SO THAT IS STEP ONE, EVEN BEFORE A CUP OF COFFEE IS MADE! After the lemon water is down the hatch, I start making my coffee and add a scoop of collagen to the bottom of my mug so it dissolves while my coffee is brewing! Collagen peptides have been proven to help improve hair, skin and nails and reduce the signs of aging, improve GI tract function, reduce inflammation and joint pain and boost metabolism and absorption of nutrients. We have been using this one for over a year now.

Again, I am not a doctor or a health expert, but I have done some research and also listened to what others have been told or done so we came up with something that suits us. I also take a more conservative approach on things, so I do lower amounts of certain vitamins because even getting some is still enough.

Baby Aspirin

I personally am on a Baby Aspirin regime for a blood disorder I have. Very harmless to take, in fact, you hear a lot of people being told to take them for preventative measures to keep heart disease at bay, but important to chat with your doctor to find out if it is something for you.

Black Elderberry

We added this last year after hearing about all the benefits for the immune system. Elderberries are packed with antioxidants and have been shown to reduce the severity and length of cold and influenza symptoms. Studies have also shown that Elderberry juice may reduce level of fat in the blood and decrease cholesterol.

Vitamin D-3

My Mom has been encouraging me to add these to my daily regime and in fact, when talking to a bunch of family members, they were taking these daily as well. Being from Cleveland, Ohio and missing a big chunk of natural D-3 (sunshine) during our cloudy cold winters, it is so important to get that boost.

Vitamin D-3 helps support muscle, skin and bone health, boost immunity and mood, improve cardiovascular health and decrease the risk of developing autoimmune disorders.

Research shows that over a BILLION people worldwide suffer from D-3 deficiency! That’s crazy! I’ve also read that D-3 can cut chances of coming down with the flu in half!


I just started adding this to my regime after noticing myself feeling dehydrated during the crazy warm days. A family friend of ours suggested adding this to my pill box. I also was suffering from tension migraines every now and then and so far, I haven’t had many (I’ve also been doing neck mobility exercises – you can read about that here).

Magnesium can boost energy, contribute to better bone health, relieve and relax tense/cramped muscles, relieve migraines, regulate blood sugar levels, protect against heart diseases and promote mineral absorption. You can find a whole list of benefits here.

Women’s Multi-Vitamin (Gummies)

I take the Centrum Multi-Vitamin Gummies for Women. This gives me a baseline of all the healthy dosages of vitamins and minerals I need. Always refer to the percentages and dosage amounts on the bottle before incorporating new vitamins into my regime. It is EXTREMELY important to know these, because you don’t want to exceed the suggested amounts. Which leads me to my next one I am cautious about…


Zinc is FABULOUS for the immune system! It is a powerful antioxidant, can balance hormones, support healthy blood circulation, fertility and plays a crucial role in cell division and growth providing healing and strength to muscular and skeletal systems. It can reduce the risk of age related vision loss and promotes good eye health along with decreasing acne. I only take one zinc gummy (11mg because the dosage is 2 gummies 22mg) because you never want to exceed 40mg. I added this to get a boost since my multivitamin only provided 2.5mg/23% of my daily value of Zinc.

I have read not to exceed the recommended daily allowance as it could upset your stomach and cause nausea and vomiting. Again, stressing the importance of adding only certain amounts of a specific vitamin to your regime and making sure you check your multi-vitamin before doing so!

Vitamin B-12

Lastly, Vitamin B-12, which I might end up dropping, but was taking it when we were eating more vegetarian to supplement the meat, chicken, fish and dairy products we weren’t consuming. B-12 has been found to increase energy levels, boost mood and memory and plays a vital role in the production of red blood cells and nerve function. They have found consuming higher doses to be safe, but I’ve also read that a B-12 deficiency is RARE unless you are following a vegan diet or suffer from autoimmune disorders or disorders of the small intestine, such as celiac.

Again, make sure to consult with your doctor before starting anything and do some research on your end to see what healthy dosages are if you wanted to get a jump start on boosting your health through vitamins and minerals! Also curious to hear your thoughts or if there are products you swear by in your routine?! Have a happy healthy day!

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