Weekend Top 4 – July 4th Weekend!

What a weekend! We prepared most of the week (even last week) for my husband’s 30th birthday party and we are SO SO pleased with the outcome of the party! He had a blast and so did our friends and family – it was such a great evening!

The following day we had two other parties to attend so to say we were exhausted come Sunday was an understatement. We couldn’t stop saying how much fun we had this weekend and are so blessed with amazing family and friends!

First off, our weather has been INCREDIBLE – hot, but sunshine literally everyday! This was helpful for our party preparation and also assisted in making the party a success!

Husband’s 30th Birthday!

A lot of my husband’s buddies were in from out of town this weekend so it worked out perfect they were able to come! We catered all the food, had tables, chairs and games set out in the yard and also set up a bar outside on our one patio! I loved the set up! We ended the evening with a nice fire out back under a full moon – everything worked out just perfectly!

All ready to go the morning of!

The birthday boy himself! I bought him that shirt because him and his friends had been playing Xbox during quarantine…thought it was only fitting.

I kept decorations simple hanging a big “3-0” balloon and adding in some Xbox controller balloons that said “Game Over”

July Fourth Parties!

We attended a surprise 30th birthday party during the day which was SO much fun! We then headed home to grab the kiddos and go to my brother and sister-in-laws house for their annual July 4th party! Always an amazing time and SO fun – we normally can sit right in their front yard to watch the firework display, but this year the city announced they will be shooting them off in September!

I can’t believe these guys are going to be one in a few short months…

We caught the tail end of our neighbor’s firework show when we got home! They are amazing – he normally does them on the 3rd, but since our city wasn’t doing fireworks this year he decided to do them on the 4th!

Sunday Relaxation

The kiddos had been with their grandparents a lot this weekend and my husband and I were happy to have nothing planned Sunday so we could relax and enjoy hanging out with them – STRESS FREE!

We went for a morning walk…

Ignited some smoke bombs…

Did some swimming!

Read during nap time…

And ended it all with some quality time and a fire! Our power went out for 4 hours, so we were able to really bond during this time, ha!

Getting Dressed Up

It was odd wearing something other than athleisure clothing, but I really enjoyed it!

My July 4th outfit wasn’t very festive, but it worked for the backyard 30th birthday we went to!

I hope you had an amazing holiday weekend! Looking forward to getting back into a routine this week!

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