Week Rewind – 02.08.21

The end of last week got away from me, I had my blog posts planned out, but never got to them because things got crazy! Sharing a catch up and some favorites from this past week!


My husband planned a whole surprise party brunch for my 30th birthday! I still am shocked and had not one clue! He is so sweet for doing that. I thought we were meeting my sister-in-law, niece and nephews at the park to play outside so I grabbed some donuts from the bakery at Patterson on top of the hill before meeting them!

Ready to snack on some donuts before play time, I was surprised by this!

My husband coordinated with family and friends to have the most incredible surprise 30th brunch! Surrounded by the sweetest people ever!

The sun was shining so the kiddos took to the sledding hill on the property!

Keeping Busy!

We’ve been trying to keep things fun around here, so we made our pine cone bird feeders! This was a lot of fun and we’ve loved watching the birds come snack!

Watching the best Dad ever hang our bird snacks!

We did manage to sneak outside one day last week to play in the sun!

Then back in for snacks with my favorite people! Please stay small forever!!

My sister-in-law had off one day this week, so we decided to take the kids to the Natural History Museum downtown. I forgot how neat that Museum is. The kids really enjoyed it!

Bitter Cold & Sunny Weather

We’ve been seeing the sun a lot this past week, which is abnormal here in Cleveland! While it looks amazing to go play in, it is extremely BITTER! But we got to see some gorgeous sunsets…

…and a lovely sunrise!

Absolute Deals!

I had to stop into Walmart this week and HOLY SMOKES! They had some many rollbacks!

I wore these shoes for dinner out this weekend and they are SO SO CUTE and also, $1 in store!

$5.00 Striped Shirt (I did find this for $3 at another Walmart nearby – so prices do vary from location to location!)

$3 plush sweatshirt – obsessed with this!

My daughter was so into these Tic Tac Toy surprise boxes and I randomly found them in the closeout section of our local supermarket! These boxes are normally $12.99 and I found them for $2.99. I’m planning to keep some aside for Valentine’s Day and Easter!

Date Night!

My husband and I enjoyed an AMAZING meal at one of our favorite restaurants! It was so nice to get dressed up and be out together to talk

We got home pretty early, put the kids down and watched Knives Out which was seriously an INCREDIBLE movie!

And that’s a week/weekend in review to get you caught up! Here’s to a great week ahead!

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One thought on “Week Rewind – 02.08.21

  1. Joanne says:

    What a fabulous birthday surprise! Those Walmart finds were incredible too; like a bonus birthday gift.

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