Thursday Thoughts: Happy One Year

Good morning and Happy Thursday! Today for Thursday Thoughts I wanted to celebrate the start of this blog ONE year ago! First off, I cannot even believe a year has already passed!

When I decided to go live with this blog last year, I had set some goals for myself. To be honest, a lot of those goals have morphed and I found myself adjusting and even changing my blogs vision and path.

I continue to remind myself (with major help from my husband) to stop putting so much pressure on this blog/insta account and just have fun with it! Ultimately, the reason I started this blog was to fulfill my creativity, share, learn and connect with those around me who have similar interests!

One thing I have learned to stop doing – COMPARING. Social media makes it so easy to doubt yourself. We are always so concerned what others think, with what others are doing and how we will be portrayed in the eyes of our friends, family members and even strangers. Because of the sometimes “crummy” feelings social media can give you, I am not super active on Instagram at all.

I try to limit my time on there for the sake of myself and my family! I want to live in the moment with my kiddos, not constantly be on my phone. I am trying to work on sharing more on my account that is AUTHENTIC, REAL and FUN! I’ve definitely struggled being successful on Instagram because I’ve always doubted myself and never want to come off annoying to those around me! If you want to connect on social here is the link!

This blog makes me SO HAPPY and I thank YOU for taking the time to read, support, comment and connect! I’ve already met some amazing people who are so supportive, kind and inspiring. I’ve learned SO much from other bloggers that I get excited sharing my own “Two Cents” or my take on certain things with all of you!

While I know there are so many things I need to improve – I will still continue to regularly post and share because it is something that makes me EXTREMELY happy! When the timing is right, I will work to enhance my blog, stay consistent and be more open in sharing so much more on here! I cannot wait to connect, share, communicate and see what the future holds! Thank you again for contributing and helping me hit some of my goals this past year! Cheers!

Follow me on Instagram @lisastwocents
Follow my blog with Bloglovin

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2 thoughts on “Thursday Thoughts: Happy One Year

  1. Lindsay says:

    Congrats on your 1st year of blogging! Love checking in with your posts!
    Any big plans for the coming weekend? Is it going to be as hot there as it is supposed to be here in Minnesota??

    • lisastwocents says:

      Thanks so much Lindsay! So sweet! It has been so muggy and warm here in Ohio! Plans are to stay cool and enjoy some sunshine! I hope you do the same! Have a great weekend!

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