Motherhood Monday: Momma Guilt

Back dating this post because hey, I didn’t get this done when I wanted, but who said I can’t post it now! No sense in sweating the small stuff. And this feeling is so fitting for this Motherhood Monday post. It is no coincidence that Mother’s Day is this weekend and it’s also Maternal Mental Health Awareness week, so what a perfect time to share some thoughts that have been on my mind that I’m sure we all suffer from!

We are busy, we want to do it all, we want a clean/perfect house, we want our kids to be learning at home. Let me preface by saying, I do suffer from OCD tendencies (my house is far from what you would expect a person with OCD house would look like). My OCD is one that builds up and erupts when things around me appear to look or feel like rock bottom in my own head – can anyone else relate?!

After chatting with my Mom and Mother in Law it occurred to me. Why do we (particularly myself) put so much unnecessary stress in our life?! Accepting the fact that you will fall short in some areas so many times in our lives (particularly during these toddler years) is something I need to understand as completely NORMAL.

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Motherhood Monday: Buried Alive – Toys Edition – How to Handle All the New Gifts

Good morning! Happy Monday and Happy New Year to you! Welcome 2021, I hope you are super sweet to us all 🙂

I’m sure everyone is still recovering for the holiday season – I know we are! This weekend, my husband and I took the time to sit down and regroup taking a thorough look at our budget and things we want to tackle. The main thing we both agreed on – donating, purging and reorganizing the house.

If you remember, the kids and I actually went through our toys on Giving Tuesday and donated a lot to make “room” for Santa and also give to those who are less fortunate than us. Along came Christmas and the onslaught of toys so, we decided take another look at the toys we had, where they were being stored and whether or not things should be donated or thrown away – again. We were able to find a lot more, so you can say I was pleased to rid of the clutter! I also went through my closet and found so many things to give away!

Today, I wanted to share some of our methods to keep the clutter under wraps AS BEST WE CAN because hey, we’re dealing with a 1,3 and 5 year old!

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Motherhood Monday: Parenting Self Audits

Good morning and happy Monday! I hope you had an amazing weekend – we definitely did as our weather was an absolute dream! We still have some nice weather on tap for us this week and we are definitely making the most of it.

I’m not going to lie, the past week has been rough. I’ve found myself angry, I’ve found myself consumed by everything that is going on in our country and also slightly terrified. I stepped away from watching ALL the news/media, which is sad this is what it comes to. I’m often left feeling upset that we are being controlled little by little and we will never know the total TRUTHS in anything going on. Journalist integrity is DEAD and that alone has put me in a dark place.

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Motherhood Monday: Baby Registry Essentials – What you REALLY need

It’s Motherhood Monday! Today, I’m sharing some baby registry essentials for any Momma’s-to-be! I was pleasantly surprised that we had ALL the essentials covered from our first baby shower 5 years ago. I’ve seen so many new gizmos, gadgets and inventions come out and really did not invest in any.

Because I found myself content with what we had, I’m sharing the main things you REALLY need – no frills, just basics! These items worked for our family and sometimes I find – the less, the better!

A huge shout out to my former boss who assisted me in putting together the best list of items to include on my registry, the most patience when it came to explaining certain things and answering all my questions related to what to expect when becoming a Mom!

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Life Lately: What’s In My Hospital Bag

First off, I’m back! As I mentioned in my first blog post – I will try to post 3-4 days a week – it will most likely turn into 3 days a week when baby arrives.

…WHEN BABY ARRIVES,…that is approaching so fast which leads to my next post I wanted to share with you all:

Okay, so I actually can’t even believe the arrival of our third baby is going to be here before we know it! Those “First Kid, Second Kid” commercials by Luvs are totally relatable and get me every time! While I haven’t brought out the essential items needed around the house when baby comes home just yet, I was thinking I should at the very least get my bag ready to roll for the hospital—which is why today I am sharing with you what I packed my hospital bag!

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