June 2023 Garden Update

Well, it’s been a bit since I’ve shared a garden update with you! I was working super hard over the past couple weeks to flip some beds and get the summer annuals seeded ASAP as I feel I’m really behind! Some things have hit the ground running (hey, hey weeds….) and others are slowly but surely getting established! It is hard to be patient this time of the season because June is truly a TWEENER month. The end of July is when all the action happens so, it can be tough to be patient!

June is also a time for babying the plants – water, fertilizer, weeding – all the tedious tasks are in full action and it can be tough. This year I am trying to work on ONE bed a day. Breaking things down and focusing on one specific thing helps rest my OVER multi-tasked brain and allows me to legit get one thing done on a checklist!

This year we got a landscaping service to help with the weed whacking and assist me with the initial weeding of our main front beds! It was the best money ever spent honestly!

Because tulip season kicked my BEHIND – I didn’t get the jump I wanted on my garden beds, but now things are in and good to go, but they are small and not super established!

This year I’m growing A LOT more dahlias! I think I have 245 dahlia plants in this year and all are doing very well, which I’m grateful for because dahlia tubers are a major investment!

As far as everything else goes, everything is BABY stage right now – super small, but can’t wait to share what it will look like next month in comparison!

My porch beds have been doing well – I just planted my pot with geraniums, potato vine, petunias and the purple plant is some long name I forget. My front bed gets a decent amount of shade – so these flowers work best for this spot!

Spirea bushes look phenomenal!

Next up, our FRONT bed near the road that I packed with plants! It’s one of my favorite spots and I fill it with tons of perennials most of which can be used for cut flower production too!

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