Friday Top 5

Happy Easter

First off, I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter – I hope you have blessed and healthy day! I wanted to share some favorites this week so I could look back and remember these days forever!

Easter Bunny Visit

We had he sweetest visit from Audrey’s preschool teachers! They dropped off candy to our house and surprised the kids with a stop from the Easter bunny. Audrey and JP were shocked! Was nice to catch up and see them in person – you could tell they were feeling the same way too!

Sunshine Time

We’ve been enjoying the sunshine and warm weather A LOT.


We’ve been trying to walk twice a day, weather permitting. Once at lunch and then after dinner walk.

On one of our evening walks this was what we saw…How gorgeous is this?! This picture gives me all the Holy Week vibes – pretty sure God designed it that way!



The circle swing is back!

Schooling Outside!

Bonfire Time

The kids are always helping me pick up sticks around the yard and recently we’ve had a lot to pick up, so bring on all the bonfires!

We recruited some help…

The kids don’t last very long, so we put a TV show on for them inside and sit right outside the back room to enjoy a “date night” in peace. My husband and I love doing bonfires together.

We were missing family, so we asked if they wanted to stop over and enjoy a big bonfire (last weekend) from all the tree trimmings and major yard clean up we did that day! BYOB and sitting 6 feet apart – we made this get together happen!

Nail Time

My daughter and I painted our nails for Easter! My daughter loves painting her nails (sometimes twice a day!) and I do too, so this was fun!

Not my best paint job, in my defense, doing nails outside is not an easy task…
Sally Hansen – Orchid ing Aside

My daughter has this polish set along with many others

Kid’s Bop Dance Videos

The kiddos have LOVED following along with the Kid’s Bop dance videos on YouTube! It has been a great way for them to burn off some energy and get some exercise. I may or may not have joined them for some exercise myself – these dances were SO.FUN!

Have a beautiful holiday weekend!

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