Friday Favorites – 12.04.20

Happy Friday! I hope you had an amazing week! Us, we’ve been buried in about 18″ of snow, but no better way to get into the holiday spirit than decorating the house and watching the snow fall!

Of course, I’m linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share some Friday Favorites with you all!

Link up with Andrea and Erika


We got CLOBBERED by a winter storm this week and honestly, it’s one of the worst I’ve seen in a LONG time! We got about 18″ in 24 hours and had a lot of tree damage, ugh!

Our birch tree out back is currently bent and I’m just PRAYING it pops back up!

The snow made everything look SO magical though! Definitely feeling more in the Christmas spirit!

Gift Guides

Shared several more gift guides this week! You can find all the others on my “Resources” page

You can check out my “Teachers” post here – I share some details about each item!

You can find all the details on my “Babies” guide here!

Christmas Decorating!

Now that it’s December and we were snowed in, I got to decorating the house! We put up our tree last night and have a couple more things to put up, but I’m loving all the coziness the lights and decorations provide!

This 4ft. flocked tree is incredible quality. It was 25% off then an additional 15% at Big Lots. For under $30, you cannot beat this darling tree!

Toy Clean-up & Donation

On Giving Tuesday, we decided to finally go through our basement toys to throw out anything that was broken or missing a part as well as start a donation pile to give to those who are less fortunate. The kiddos had a little extra pep in their step when going through their toys knowing that someone else would really enjoy it.

This was a great learning lesson and also an awesome exercise before Santa comes. We have SOOO many things so it’s great to clear out the house.

I asked people to share their favorite used toy donation organization and here were some of the responses:
Pregnancy Centers
Toys for Tots
Salvation Army

Cradles to Crayons

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6 thoughts on “Friday Favorites – 12.04.20

  1. Tiffany says:

    Sorry about the snow damage! It definitely is beautiful though. Your Christmas decor is adorable. Thank you for sharing it with us. Have a great weekend 🥰

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